+23 Most people are generally sad. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Happy people can be sad

by Entire-Garden 4 weeks ago

I am very rarely ever sad, but I agree that there are a lot of sad people out there.

by AdMission 4 weeks ago

Plz share life advice

by Xborer 4 weeks ago

Que Sera, Sera

by Destineelowe 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

IMO you need 3 things to be happy: Purpose Social interaction Recreational hobbies What I noticed is that so many people nowadays have no purpose. They just pursue instant gratification.

by Forsaken-Highway 4 weeks ago

This is key! Purpose can fuel you even when you're struggling. Without you feel empty.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Have you considered that everything in life is neutral until you choose to see it as positive or negative?

by marshall90 4 weeks ago

id disagree, the mass murder of innocent children seems pretty negative overall that doesnt mean you have to let it make you feel sad - life events are certainly often negative or positive, but we always get to choose how we respond to them

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

It's only negative because humans attach extreme negativity to it. Does the mass murder of innocent animal children seem negative? Humans commit it regularly without thinking twice. What about innocent insect children? I'm not saying mass murder is "right", I'm saying it's only "wrong" because we have decided it's wrong.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"Does the mass murder of animals seem negative?" very much so, as it does not imply consumption, as that would be slaughter, or for population control, as that would be culling, so yes. and you are confusing "wrong" with "seeming negative", there are many things that seem negative to use due to all sorts of cultural and societal views traditions etc etc this is generally called "extelligence", so it is not "us" making that decision ediit: "right" and "wrong" are indeed artificial constructs, but again, its not purely a personal choice as to whether we view things that way, it is again partly due to extelligence

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ur just being cynical

by cormieralda 4 weeks ago

i think you need to go rad up on what that words means lol

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

That's deep.

by Schowaltertheod 4 weeks ago

When you get right down to it, everybody's having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everyone. And the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much. -Kurt Vonnegut

by Soft_Permit9626 4 weeks ago

When you're seeing people they are most likely in a place they don't want to be, doing something they don't want to do. At work, running errands. Even people that like their jobs and like grocery shopping or whatever probably have something else they would rather be doing.

by Weary_Wing_1386 4 weeks ago

You can't be happy all the time….

by Napoleonlockman 4 weeks ago

Kurt Cobain was rich married and famous.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Sad or feeling life's pointless? Two slightly different things. Life can feel pointless but that can also be a reason to partay~ Frankly, I rarely see sad people. Not sure where you're getting your data set from.

by Sea_Buyer_533 4 weeks ago

I assume I rarely see sad people, but considering how I actually when I'm in public there's a pretty good chance a lot of those people are actually unhappy and are just putting on a face so other people don't ask them about it

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Are you living the US or a place like Gaza? I think it really depends where you are.

by Sea_Buyer_533 4 weeks ago

UK. Things aren't perfect but they're definitely better than most places in the world. I don't really think the area we live in is that relevant to how we feel within our surroundings though. You can feel unhappy in Monaco or Luxembourg and it's just as acceptable as being unhappy in Palestine or North Korea. It's not for similar reasons but people will still hide the fact they're unhappy no matter where you are

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Do you mean melancholy?

by Sea_Buyer_533 4 weeks ago

Melancholy, unhappy, dissatisfied etc

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think it really depends on your social circle. I really honestly think most people around me are happy. I'm in NYC, so it's a self selected group of people who chose to be in the city with pretty high wealth with a lot going on. But I think it really depends. I think most Korean or Japanese people are sad, but that's cultural. Literally low serotonin levels for those people. I think some Africans are naturally just happier biologically.

by Sea_Buyer_533 4 weeks ago

you literally described yourself projecting

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As Shakespeare elegantly puts: "In sooth, I know not why I am so sad. It wearies me; you say it wearies you. But how I caught it, found it, or came by it, What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born, 5 I am to learn. And such a want-wit sadness makes of me, That I have much ado to know myself."

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Life is sad as hell. Relatives start dying in your 30's-40's, people you love get sick or die randomly with zero warning, you're broke 90% of the time and don't get to live the dreams you had as a child and then you die.

by Automatic-Noise6678 4 weeks ago

happiness is a choice, and lots of people ar sad becasue they dont get this i was sad for the first 35 years of my life, and then i saw this African guy on TV, just a random nobody poor person in a war torn country, where they had had a drought, and then the locusts came...and he was grinning like an idiot. the reporter asked him why he as smiling, and he said we cant choose what happens to us but we can choose how we react to things, and he had decided to be happy, because he had tried being sad and it didnt seem to help anything changed my life forever

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think life is unbalanced with a constant strive to equilibrium. Someone's who is generally always sad or happy isn't doing well. We have ups and downs, though in adult life, it seems the majority are stuck in sad given the last few years (ie a major pandemic pausing the entire world and leading to isolation for multiple years). I think there is a return to more happiness incoming though of course there will be ups and downs as these are the natural ebs and flow of life

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I think we are fed so much media about how life is supposed to be and how you are supposed to look and what job you should have…that when people can't measure up, it definitely makes them sad.

by BatFree2418 4 weeks ago

Everyone is sad some of the time, but I really don't think most people are sad most of the time. The harder someone's life is, the more likely they are to feel sad more often, so maybe you've encountered a bias in your personal life? I've had kind of a rough year and have been sad more often than normal because of it, but I'm generally a pretty happy-go-lucky person. I'm situationally sad, but it's not my underlying nature.

by Franciscolowe 4 weeks ago

I agree... most people are sad for the most part...

by Few_Combination_4497 4 weeks ago

Welcome to the age of information

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I just think most people don't like the pressure of their comfort and existence in general being tied into the ego/profit margins of their bosses. That's what makes me uneasy every single day.

by Shieldsnorene 4 weeks ago

Existence is pain Jerry!

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Everyone has their sad moments so what defines a sad person? If > 50 percent of the time they are sad?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Why do you have such a general opinion. It's a pretty bold claim to think around four billion people are sad.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

As a human, can confirm.

by Imonahan 4 weeks ago

my natural mood isn't sad, nor happy a nice medium

by ezra35 4 weeks ago

Sadness in knowin' I'll very likely live and die at a job they hate instead of me and my folks bein' rich enough to never work again.

by CulturalSquirrel 4 weeks ago

I'm rich, and married, and not really that well known. Idk if I'm rich. My wife earns 300k, I earn 35k, and we have not that much saved because we like to live well and she likes plastic surgery. I'm not sad though. I've got my true love, my wife. I've got my side loves, my cats. I've got my third ranking and first to show up love, lifting for 3 or 4 hours a day while hopped up on steroids. Life is good. Most people I know are happy too. They live differently than Indo, but they're happy.

by broderickzieme 4 weeks ago

I wouldn't say sad but evolution doesn't care if people are happy or not.

by emilie68 4 weeks ago

Hehe but that still means we're all equal. That makes me happy. I mean we're crying when we come out of the womb. So what adapting is uncomfortable? Sadness isn't a "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" situation. We are blessed with sadness same with all emotions. If you're noticing you're sad for reasons like "genetics" then it's a self-love issue. I'm on mood-stabilizing medication, so maybe this is also just my opinion, but feeling sad while eating popcorn is different from watching your mom die of cancer. (Not that either of those things happened to me)

by Valuable_Hall_6896 4 weeks ago

The generalisation that "most people are sad" is more of a sign of your worldview than any actual reality. It's natural that every person goes through phases, shorter or longer, of sadness. Yet just as phases of happiness are temporary, so are they (in most cases). Sounds like to me OP that mabye you are going through such a phase. Hope the clouds clear soon.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Sometimes. I don't think generally is appropriate

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

"The basic fact about human existence is not that it is a tragedy, but that it is a bore. It is not so much a war as an endless standing in line." ~ H. L. Mencken

by No-Berry 4 weeks ago

The brain is made to keep us alive, not happy.

by Lopsided-Surround246 4 weeks ago

This cuts deeps. I agree.

by Savings_Intention 4 weeks ago

i actually feel as if people got a lot sadder after the pandemic happened…

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago


by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm not trying to. I even said I hope I'm wrong and hope all who are reading this are happy. Sorry if I offended

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I agree. The notion that sad and depressed people are somehow an outlier is just false.

by romagueracecile 4 weeks ago

Speak for yourself. I like my job, I love my girl, just bought a house, I feel accomplished, and life is pretty good considering.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Kinda but as a kid I used to want to be a famous actress like the other kids I saw on TV. But knowing what I know now I wouldn't want that life. I do have other sad spots life is not always Happy

by Richard56 4 weeks ago