-39 I don't want to hear food health advice from someone heavier than me. amirite?

by jcorkery 4 weeks ago

You can get really thin with things like cigarettes and meth. It doesn't make you healthy.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

And vegetables! That's what I eat. Vegetables and meth.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I lol'd. Now everyone is looking at me like I'm crazy

by lemkejerrold 4 weeks ago

Vegetables make you so healthy that it cancels out everything else

by Evening-Ad5395 4 weeks ago

Do you snort the meth first or just sprinkle it directly on the veggies?

by Longjumping_Roof_181 4 weeks ago

If you're not injecting the vegetables and eating the meth you're doing it wrong. Sorry.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

And I eat cigarettes! I don't think I'm doing it right though they taste terrible

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If all you eat is cigarettes and meth no wonder you are so thin

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Also most people don't actively try to stay thin, they just follow a proper eating habit they learnt from their upbringing and never deviate. That's why once they hit 50-60, suddenly they get fat quickly. They maintain their habit when they should not eat as much anymore. It's hard to unlearn what you've been doing for your entire life. If you want to quit smoking, would you ask someone who never smoked because they just grew up in a good setting, but they would immediately get addicted if they tried ? Of course, if you have someone who is actively monitoring everything and in great health, it's the best scenario to learn from.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Damn. I was hoping it did.

by DutySoggy 4 weeks ago

Just like any diet, you have to commit. If you binge eat thinking you'll stay thin just because you are taking those 'suppliments' you'll gain weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Former coffee shop worker. People who do hard drugs not only don't eat much if any real food, but they compensate for it with extreme levels of sugar. Obvious addicts would buy a coffee and add 8 shots of sugar to it, which in a 24 ounce coffee is like 60 grams of sugar.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

A thin person may be unhealthy that's true, but a fat person is unhealthy 100% of the time. There's no situation where being overweight is healthy. 100% of overweight people on planet earth are unhealthy. Sure a thin person may be thin because they're doing meth, but a fat person is fat because they overeat. That's the only way a person gets fat.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You're oversimplifying things. Being overweight doesn't mean you automatically have health problems. You're at a much bigger risk of certain health issues, but you can still be healthy. Of course the amount of time you spend as an overweight person matters. Saying people get overweight because they overeat is true to some degree since they're getting more calories in than out, but that doesn't mean they eat more than a person their age and size should be eating without gaining weight. Example: I gained 0,5-1kg a week by eating 1200-1600 kcal a day. If my body had worked the way it should I should've been losing weight, not gaining it. Did I overeat? Technically yes, but in reality no.

by tremayne61 4 weeks ago

I don't know how you can call being in caloric surplus something other than overeating. You certainly did not eat a lot, quite the opposite, in fact, but it was still overeating. Overeating is always relative to your calorie consumption.

by ijohnston 4 weeks ago

Not even 🤣 there are a plethora of mental health and hormonal disorders/genetic conditions that can cause weight gain. Sure, a lot of the time it may be overeating, but it's illogical to make that the reason for all cases.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

You literally cannot gain fat without eating in a caloric surplus. It is true 100% of cases, it's just that in some cases a caloric surplus is not a lot of food. You cannot generate calories from nothing, it's basic physics.

by ijohnston 4 weeks ago

There are mental health and hormonal disorders that can cause overeating, and overeating causes weight gain. Your body cannot create mass from nothing. There has to be a surplus of calories to be turned into fat.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Do me a favor and look up things like PCOS, among other disorders. They alter your body's insulin resistance, metabolism, and other factors that force your body to hold onto weight even if you're eating an average amount. It's not always about overeating.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

In that case, an average amount becomes too much. Lower metabolism= reduced caloric expenditure=you need to eat less.

by ijohnston 4 weeks ago

I know it's hard/next to impossible to eat low amounts of food and still be healthy if you can't cook your food from scratch. Most ready made food does not have much of the essential macro and micro nutrients we need compared to calories. Eating very little and still be healthy is absolutely possible though, but it takes money, time and cooking skills.

by ijohnston 4 weeks ago

What...? You can be technically overweight from just working out a little and having a certain body type. Overweight is just having a BMI over25, which actually isn't all that high. There Aren't any significant health outcome differences between people with a BMI of 24 vs people at 26. I think you are referring to obese people.

by Aokuneva 4 weeks ago

Well what if a 400lb person eats healthy and completely changes their lifestyle? They're still going to be overweight for quite some time. Does eating a salad somehow become worthless because it's coming from a heavy person?

by doylejanis 4 weeks ago

This right here! I went from obese to a normal weight, and mildly obese me looked a lot different, but ate almost the exact same meals I do now. It takes a lot of work to get to the point where you look fit.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

yeah a lot of people seem to be unable to comprehend that health and weight don't change overnight, it's a process

by Advanced-Flamingo-64 4 weeks ago

im fat me saying 'carrots are healthy for you' is not false due to me being fat this is an incorrect opinion, not just an unpopular one

by Difficult-Cake3428 4 weeks ago

i love carrots

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Exactly, same as when people disregard others based on their age. If they're right, they're right!

by Intrepid_Skill_3200 4 weeks ago

Duh. But that's not what OP is talking about. They're obviously referring to healthnuts who get really judgmental & rude with their critiques of how other people eat; despite being built like a GMO walrus themselves. It's like the broke guy who still lives in his mom's basement trying to criticize you for buying designer clothes. Laughable.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'd be most concerned about their credentials.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

P: Eat your vegetables and protein to be big and strong! C: Don't tell me what to eat. You weigh 10 times what I weigh. P: But you're only 3 years old. Eat healthy please!!

by Extra_Associate 4 weeks ago

My 3-year-old weighs 34 pounds, so if the doctor is 10 times heavier, well, I'm not judging, but …

by Fragrant_Foot 4 weeks ago

For some reason, the image of a 340-lb doctor is hilarious to me. Specifically a 340-lb weight loss doctor

by Ambrose36 4 weeks ago

Ad hominem

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Knowing something and living by it are different things. Also your weight doesn't directly indicate how healthy you are. You can have low body fat and still be super unhealthy. I'd take advice for what it is, regardless of who it comes from. Actually now, thinking about it, obese people have more reason to look into how to eat healthy than people who don't show obvious markers that something might be off. So chances even are that, because they're overweight, they know better than you.

by Rude-Designer 4 weeks ago

I am obese. It's because of genetic health conditions. I eat extremely healthy, exercise, and still, don't really lose much weight. Being fat doesn't always indicate unhealthy lifestyles. Sometimes it has no relation to eachother.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

So then why do you gain weight once you hit menopause if you are eating the same and just as active? Ignore science. Ignore doctors and dieticians and scientists.

by Glum-Barracuda-5148 4 weeks ago

Because your BMR lowers. If your calories in remains the same, but your calories out lowers and becomes less than your calories in, you gain weight.

by amberabernathy 4 weeks ago

I'm a vet student so this isn't even on humans. The problem with creating a ratio is that calories isn't the only factor that needs to be accounted. Proteins, a certain amount of structural fats and a plethora of vitamins and minerals are required daily. All foods have a mix of those things, and it's quite hard to make a ratio that accounts for all those things while also not going under or overboard on calories even for a cow that weighs hundreds of kilos, so I can only imagine it has to be harder for a human who weighs way less. On a prolonged time an acceptable deviation is +/- 5% of requirement else the animal will have health problems. Add onto that an artificial diminution of energy requirement and the math gets way harder, especially on a species that is unable to digest fiber. This is also a big issue in dogs, who are prone to hypothyroidism: you can only restrict calories so much until the dog starts loosing muscle mass because it's not receiving enough proteins, especially if the owner cannot afford a high protein feed (about triple the cost as normal..)

by Zgreenholt 4 weeks ago

Its going to take some real effort to truly eat healthy and be fat.

by IceSubstantial 4 weeks ago

I eat very healthy, generally 1-2 small meals a day (and exercise sufficiently) and I'm fat. I got on a combo of medications and my weight literally doubled, bringing me from a BMI of 18.7 to being classified as obese. My diet hasn't changed. My excersize hasn't changed (actually, I excersize more now because I'm trying to lose weight). It's possible to eat well and still be fat, it's not as rare as people online seem to think. We all know that some people eat a ton of junk and stay thin; the reverse is also true.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I mean I'm on meds that increase my weight gain too. And yet, I still have not managed to defy the laws of physics. If I eat less calories than I burn, I lose weight. Sure my meds might make that harder, but it doesn't actually change physics. It also doesn't change the fact that obesity is not healthy and causes a massive amount of health risk in tons of different ways. It is not possible to eat "well" and still be fat, if you are eating so much more calories than you burn that you are obese, you are not eating well.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No it isn't. You simply arent tracking your food correctly.

by Wonderful-Target 4 weeks ago

My actual doctor would disagree with you. But sure.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Well don't you know some random person on the internet knows better than your personal doctor??? /s

by Ok-Locksmith 4 weeks ago

Obviously! My doctor and I just don't understand! He told me I need to be eating more to get enough nutrition, but obviously I'm just a dumb lazy fatso who eats too much and doesn't know it! /s

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No they wouldn't. You probably don't even understand what they are saying to you.

by Wonderful-Target 4 weeks ago

So in your case WITH MEDICATIONS you became obese. Very different situation. I was not thinking of medical conditions

by IceSubstantial 4 weeks ago

It's honestly way more common than people on this site seem to think. You never know if someone is on meds or has medical issues. People will tell me I'm an exception for the reasons listed but for all anyone knows, any given obese person could have similar circumstances. People here also argue that what I'm saying is impossible and I must not know how much I'm eating (despite the fact that I'm medically supervised and my doctor encourages me to worry less about my weight since I have a healthy diet). Best not to judge people for their weight.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Did you miss the part where I was seeing a dietician?

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Your right I guess my dietician and cardiologist know less than you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Weight gain is a side effect for a lot of very common health problems and medications

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Medical conditions don't change CICO, but they can change the CO part of CICO that significantly. My diet is almost exactly what you described (except I don't eat meat other than fish) and I'm fat af. My diet also hasn't changed since I gained all this weight (previously I was quite thin).

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Just say you're not interested in hearing advice about your diet.

by Capable_Bass 4 weeks ago

Weight and health are not the same thing. You can be thin and unhealthy or fat and healthy. Don't try to judge another person's health just by looking at them. Listen to what they have to say and then decide for yourself whether or not their advice is right for you.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

And you have fat and morbid obesity.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If you're underweight, I'd suggest not taking your own advice, either.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Does this include someone heavier because theyre buff and a foot taller?

by Designer-Lab-2513 4 weeks ago

Nah. If they are physically fit and toned I'd take advice from them.

by jcorkery 4 weeks ago

imagine if Michael Jordan was like "I don't wanna hear basketball advice from a coach who can't play as well as I can" that's what you sound like right now

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

At 6'6" Michael Jordan also probably weighs more than OP and wouldn't take diet advise.

by toney01 4 weeks ago

I have a lot of gastro problems and have to tell skinny people all the time that their salad and spinach diet is definitely causing their bloating issues. Skinny and healthy and good for digestion is all different things.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Ah yes, this reminds me of the "I'm concerned for their health!!" crowd who actually just loves to hate on fat people lol.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

I'm sorry but you are making excuses. One of my pharmacists was morbidly overweight but yet his perspective mattered the most in the grand scheme of things. Judge less.

by Objective_Arrival870 4 weeks ago

On the contrary, fat people get 10 times the health advice that thin people get, and most of it is unsolicited and unwelcome. The idea that fat people just don't know how to be thin is an incorrect assumption.

by Sad_Quail_1139 4 weeks ago

Wrong I see fat people even in this trying to argue against calories in vs calories out so they really dont even understand the core concept

by Wonderful-Target 4 weeks ago

Calories in calories out is a decent rule of thumb, but there are plenty of situations where bodies are more complex than that. Sounds like I was right and you were wrong.

by Sad_Quail_1139 4 weeks ago

No it isn't, you are objectively wrong. Medical issues may change the amount of calories in vs out that you need, but your body wont magically gain weight unless you give it enough calories to do so.

by Wonderful-Target 4 weeks ago

I'm objectively wrong that bodies are sometimes more complex than "calories in calories out"? I'd love to see a shred of evidence for that. There's not a medical professional on the planet that would sign onto such a simplistic claim. It's definitely true that a body needs calories to gain weight, but bodies vary wildly in how they use calories to gain weight and how restricting calories causes them to lose weight.

by Sad_Quail_1139 4 weeks ago

That says literally the opposite of calories in calories out. Did you read it? Literally the fourth sentence is ""This idea of 'a calorie in and a calorie out' when it comes to weight loss is not only antiquated, it's just wrong,""

by Sad_Quail_1139 4 weeks ago

You pulled out one fact and ignored literally every point in the article. Good job.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

That's not an unpopular opinion, that's just a hateful opinion

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Grow up. If you're eating unhealthy food and a fat person tells you that you're eating unhealthy food, a magic wand isn't going to wave and make your canes and Whataburger turn into carrots and broccoli. Facts are facts and you need to accept that. Also weight loss is largely calories in vs out. If you're eating a low quantity of bad food then you'll stay thin. You can eat bad and be thin.

by Ok-Resource 4 weeks ago

I lost 21 lbs last year. I'm still fat. I need to lose another 15 lbs to be healthy weight. I consider myself more knowledgeable on health and nutrition than a lot of skinny people because it's something I had to actively research and learn about in order to lose weight

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Skinny does not equal heavy and heavy does not equal unhealthy

by merlebauch 4 weeks ago

So an anorexic person is the ultimate health guru? Terrible logic

by hipolitorodrigu 4 weeks ago

Sure. Take advice from my friend who is physically incapable if putting on weight due to an illness ig. He desperately eats fatty foods only trying to gain some, horrible diet cause he doesnt want to be a skeleton. Skinneier the better according to ur logic

by gbarton 4 weeks ago

Good advice is good advice regardless of who gives it. That said unsolicited advice is still a pain in the ass, but that's not really an unpopular take. Unless your take is that even if the advice is good you disregard it if the person is heavier than you. Then you're just kinda an asshole 🤣

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

If a raging alcoholic tells you it's unhealthy to drink too much, he may be a hypocrite, but he's still right.

by HelpfulSnow5380 4 weeks ago

Thin doesn't mean Healthy at all, but thin CAN mean healthy. Thicc doesn't mean Healthy at all, but Thicc CAN mean healthy. If you're clinically obese, or anorexia levels of skin/bone, you're unhealthy, and that's an undisputable fact. Refusing to take someone's advice just based on their lbs sounds like some scapegoat anorexia / bulimia logic, a minor who doesn't know their head from their ass, or someone who's only positive trait as a human is that they're "skinny".

by reed35 4 weeks ago

Weight does not equal knowledge on health advice just saying

by daviscarol 4 weeks ago

You're assuming that poor eating habits are the sole reason for a person to be overweight. It's really not, at all Correct advice is correct advice, regardless of who delivers it

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Coaches don't play, young padawan

by Chemical-Name 4 weeks ago

It's great to know because I'm fat that you'd discount my advice that getting an hour a day of exercise and limiting sugar and processed foods is a bad thing. Very wonderful to know because of my size that you just think facts are wrong.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Not an unpopular opinion, but if weight is your only way to judge health... you are stupid.

by Fluffy-Lifeguard 3 weeks ago

You know you can just not listen, right?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

*Their advice Excuses to ignore facts are on you, not them.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I mean you can know about stuff and not practice it lol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I have been thin for all sorts if reasons. Ive had an ED but ive also immersed myself in diets, cleanses, fasts and different types of exercise. Im also now overweight for many other reasons that are a bit triggering. I still have the knowledge. I dont judge though but if someone asked i would share my knowledge. Also i have family members with diet/weight related health problems who have been to doctors their whole lives. These people also have knowledge and have shared. Just because someone doesnt folloe their own advice doesnt mean its not good advice.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Define heavier bud An NFL wide receiver could be 200 lbs and probably in better shape than 90% of the world; and heavier than a 4 foot 150 lb couch potato with high cholesterol

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I disagree. I don't want to hear it from anyone I haven't asked first.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

What about fat doctors? Would you listen to them or are they an exception?

by Fearless_Mango 3 weeks ago

Hates coconut, thinks a lot is a word. We got a winner here.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Good advice is good advice.

by Responsible_Big_379 3 weeks ago

I'm rocking a dad bod and know my previous life choices were unhealthy. Means I'm in a prime position to recognise silly behaviours in others.

by joanie25 3 weeks ago

Do you even know what a dad bod is?

by gbarton 3 weeks ago

Wait till you get in your 40's or 50's. Hypertension can impact thin people. Diet is a huge factor. If you are eating a sodium high diet it can kill you. Regardless if your dr is fat or not.

by SuccotashOk 3 weeks ago

If I'm heavier than you but say that a diet soda is better for your health than a regular soda, is that something you don't care to listen too? That's a piece of information, that's not advice. Advice is a suggestion to take specific action. Would you take career advice from someone who hasn't been able to ever hold a job for more than a month over a decade.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

So if a heavier person gives advice to eat a healthy meal, and advices to eat fruit/veg, you don't care to listen or? Also it is advice to recommend someone swap their regular soda for diet, sorry if u took it literally? Did u think I meant a fat person is gonna walk up to u randomly on the street and say diet soda is better for health than regular soda? Lmfao.

by Accomplished-Ice 3 weeks ago

"Would you take career advice from someone who hasn't been able to ever hold a job for more than a month over a decade." That depends on the advice

by Accomplished-Ice 3 weeks ago

You'd take tidbits under scrutiny, but nothing extensive. It's the same thing with diet advice from someone that's overweight. Individual suggestions or recipes can be fine, but if they offer a diet plan, then they either can't follow it themselves or it doesn't work.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Heavier than me isn't the problem. I said overweight. I don't want food health advice from an overweight person. Yes.

by jcorkery 3 weeks ago

No, you actually quite literally said "from someone heavier than me."

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

You ever heard of the phrase "do as I say, not as I do"? If somebody is overweight but gives good health advice you don't care to listen? Conversely if someone is skinny but gives terrible health advice, would you be more inclined to listen? Also you said "heavier than me" in the title.

by Accomplished-Ice 3 weeks ago

"Do as I say, not as I do" is the derisive mocking of hypocrisy. It's not supposed to be life advice…

by Electrical_Serve5953 3 weeks ago

Fat people might be very knowledgeable of what the right thing to do is but for one reason or another other can't follow through

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This is like those dummies that act like sports announcers who were bad players have no idea what they are talking about when listening to their analysis.

by No_Respect_6598 3 weeks ago

I think the only thing wrong with your opinion is the word "heavier". I would replace it with "in shape". We all have different bodies and weight is not always indicative of our health. Some people work out a lot and have a high muscle volume, so they might weigh more than you, but still be in better shape. Some people struggle with eating disorders and might claim a certain diet is healthy, and they might weigh less than you but are less in shape than you. And really, a balanced diet and adequate exercise is what is best for most people. Unless people have allergies or other medical issues (such as diabetes or liver failure) that need a specific diet, a balanced diet is good. Our bodies need a variety of vitamins and energy that come from different foods.

by Individual_Cable 3 weeks ago

This is stupid. Having an education in food science doesn't mean you also have the willpower to follow it. Some people just love that snack life too much 😂 doesn't mean they aren't capable of giving good advice to others!

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

"a lot"

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'll tell Dwayne to hang up the phone then

by Bergnaumarely 3 weeks ago

A very common trait that people have is knowing what's bad for them and doing it anyway. Most also know what's good for them but choose not to do it. I understand people like that don't have much credibility, but that doesn't necessarily mean they don't know what they're talking about. At the end of the day, you should always do your own research, weigh what all sources are saying, and form your own position from there.

by wisokylauren 3 weeks ago

An average man learns from his own mistakes. A smart man learns from the mistakes of others.

by Kurtisreichert 3 weeks ago

You do know you can get overweight eating too much healthy food?

by dparisian 3 weeks ago

What if you get cancer? Does your oncologist have to have cancer, too? Sorry, but your unpopular opinion is also a logical fallacy.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Just because someone is heavier than you doesn't mean they're less healthy than you

by koeppyadira 3 weeks ago

If you lift you only take advice from people heavier than you

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Biggest annoyance for me is people saying that 'natural' sugars and starches are better for you than 'artificial' ones, as if they don't do exactly the same thing.

by SpiritedAd3980 3 weeks ago

Do you expect your cardiologist to have had heart disease?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

My nephew is the thinnest person I know and all he eats is crap.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

lol scrawny kid with no stamina doesnt want advice of bigger people with no stamina? id offer a giant sugar cube for that high horse of yours, but i wouldnt want it to get fat or anything

by Strange_Pickle 3 weeks ago

Some people do have medical conditions that cause them to get overweight. A lot of obesity is overeating, but its best to ask if they have an medical issue causing it.

by Suspicious_Room 3 weeks ago

"If it's so healthy for you, why are you overweight?" Because I can eat brown rice, salmon and avocado (all healthy foods) all day every day but the second I consume more calories than my body uses up in a day I (and you and everyone else) will start to gain weight. I'm not overweight at all, my BMI is in the normal range and I'm relatively strong because I do workout. I eat three meals a day and one or two smaller protein-filled meals or snacks. You not wanting to hear health advice from (I'm assuming you mean fat people and not just those who weigh more than you) fat people doesn't mean that that advice isn't sound. Medical advice from someone who isn't a doctor can be factually correct regardless of their occupation. This opinion is just dumb ngl.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

If I start at 400 pounds and start talking to you when I weigh 300 pounds, is my advice about healthy food irrelevant then? When clearly I have learned how to live healthy but there is only so much fat you can burn so fast. This attitude is not unpopular, it is just often unvoiced.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Plenty of doctors smoke 🤷‍♀️

by Other_Pattern 3 weeks ago

That's like me asking for career advice from someone who has no experience in the industry and the field i'm working in.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I feel like this is a true unpopular opinion, because I personally would never take food health advice from someone who is skinny and has never had weight problems haha. It's like taking business advice from someone who was born rich. If step 1 is "be lucky" then it's hard to care about the rest of the advice haha.

by Kuphalkiel 3 weeks ago

There is no such thing as a "Bad" Carb. A carb is a carb..

by Outrageous-Face 3 weeks ago

Ad hominem. Attack the message, not the messenger. For all we know he's telling you what he learned AFTER he spent too long being heavy.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I don't want to hear dietary advice from someone who buys food in a grocery store...

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

Being overweight doesn't make you dumb, their advice is no less credible than someone in shape. Due to good genetics I look like I go to the gym regularly but i probably have one of the worst diets a human has ever existed on. You can be fat and still know about diet, I've heard plenty of smokers advise against doing it.

by Jcummings 3 weeks ago

But they know where all the good places to eat are?

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

This isn't even unpopular, just incorrect. Overweight is caused by MANY things, not just food. I have a friend that starves herself and is still overweight.

by hudsonsimonis 3 weeks ago

Been there

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I agree 100%

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

A tubby person can have all the knowledge but lack of willpower. Just saying.

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I'm with you and if someone is impolite I'm blunt and tell them i don't think they know what they are talking

by Decent_Party1585 3 weeks ago

Not gonna lie most fat people are healthier than me so ill listen to them.

by cheathcote 3 weeks ago

There is a minimum caloric intake your body needs for basic functions. If you are regularly below that, you are absolutely unhealthy. And your attitude? That's common for anorexic people. They excuse having no stamina for lack of exercise and how they could eat a lot but don't have to and how everyone who is normal weight is overweight ect. because of their messed up views on bodies

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago

I think you meant "person of more sizer than you"

by dayanasmitham 3 weeks ago

Right there with you, or when I hear people being picky eaters and saying they're conscious of what they eat. The best is if they also claim to be a personal trainer or something to do with fitness and they're overweight. Like really, I think they need to take their own advice and work on their body before they tell others how to be

by Anonymous 3 weeks ago