+31 People who can maintains good shape mostly just have good genetics. They don't necessarily have strong willpower or self-discipline. amirite?

by justen01 4 weeks ago

Keep it up, and check back with us when you hit 35.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

No you are not genetically lucky. Try counting your calories and your physical activity and ask your friends to do the same. You will see the difference. Genetics play minuscule part in losing weight, except when there is an actual serious condition, which except in the most extreme circumstances just means you need to put a bit of extra effort, not that it's impossible.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Check your visceral fat which is the fat around the organs. Im also a thin person by nature but it doesn't really mean im healthy. Diet and exercise are needed by all. You can't just sit there drinking milkshakes and expect to be healthy because you look thin. Also fix your sleep schedule. The way you sleep affects how your body holds onto fat

by Curious_Bumblebee_22 4 weeks ago

How are you measuring this genetic potential? I've done a little work with genes and it's damned complicated.

by Anonymous 4 weeks ago

Your personal experience is not objective fact for everyone else.

by fmoore 4 weeks ago

I'm sure your weight may be fine (for now), but I can assure you that all your friends are healthier.

by Think-Lavishness 4 weeks ago