+39 Adults should be able to explain why they dislike something, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In many circumstances, people use the reasons you give for disliking something as an opening to argue with your points in an attempt to convince you to like it or tell you why you're wrong. If I don't like something, it means I've experienced it and am not a fan. It's not up for debate.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It sounds like OP is one of those with the 'they haven't had their opinions challenged' bit. Because, yeah, if I don't like something, it isn't a debate. I don't like it. You (general) trying to push me to like it isn't going to magically change my mind.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You (general) trying to push me to like it isn't going to magically change my mind. It will make me not like it even more.

by colewalker 1 month ago

Yep, I felt the stubbornness kicking in there.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

OP sounds like one of those people who demands satisfaction on every single divergence between you. You don't eat meat? Why? Would you eat an insect? Have you ever eaten meat? What about that study that shows that plants actually feel pain? I believe it comes from a good (albeit selfish) place of curiosity, but it is childish and very exhausting to be around. Not surprised that people not responding has become an annoyance for OP, most people wouldn't put up with the badgering.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My ex was one of those people, I always had to have a reason behind what I liked and disliked but if he didn't like my reasoning I was "rationalizing".

by ryan75 1 month ago

Someone can dislike something without feeling like it's necessary to justify their why to you but also still know how to critically think just fine. Plenty of people know better than to say why because they've explained it before and just had people laugh, ridicule, or argue with them about it. Most of the time it's not worth the effort.

by Lucky-Cranberry6800 1 month ago

Yeah, for the most part, if I don't like something, unless it's for like, moral reasons or something like that, (or I'm bored watching the same show with my kids for the 100x and overthinking things) I simply don't care enough to sit there and analyze why I don't like it.

by haylie58 1 month ago

This, I have a hard time really thinking about why I might dislike something or like something, but if I had to go over it, I could. Most of the time, however, it just isn't worth my time to actually do a deep analysis of why I dislike a song, or a particular food, or a game. I just don't like it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is exactly why I say "I just don't like it" 90% of the time. The other 10% is because it's related to trauma that I don't like talking about or (in one case) I'm not sure why it triggers anxiety in me I just know it does and I'm a bit scared to try and remember.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This. Despite what the internet tells you, you don't need to share your opinion on EVERYTHING.

by Electrical-Gur 1 month ago

Yep. If you say you don't like some aspect that the other person likes, they tend to defend the aspect and try to convince you to like it. Instead of accepting that you don't like it and not suggeating things that have that aspect (or at least warning that it has that aspect).

by colewalker 1 month ago

Yup, this exactly. You come to learn that it's pointless to justify anything or argue your outlook/morals with internet strangers.

by Karliekiehn 1 month ago

I wish those people would say "I'd rather not talk about it" than "I just don't like it".

by jayme80 1 month ago

Yeah but then the argument would be "but WHY don't you want to talk about it?" To certain ppl. I think it's super over analyzing. For instance, I hate pills in any form (ibuprofen, etc) because a member of my family ABUSED pills and drugs and they make me sick to my stomach. I only feel comfortable sharing this really over text. But to people IRL or if someone asked if I needed an ibuprofen, I'd tell them no and that I don't like pills and if they pester me on "why" or "well, if you need to take it to feel better you have to", I don't want to get into the moral conversation and entire reasoning as to why I don't like them, unless I trusted them enough.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's not necessarily a problem but asking is how you can get to know them better. Maybe some don't want to share aspects of their life but if they can, they can end up building deeper relationships. There are still boundaries you have to follow but, if I tell a friend I don't like x or y and why that is, I'm allowing them to understand me more as a person.

by rosenbaumlolita 1 month ago

If I don't like a song, I'm not going to sit around wondering what specifically it was that I didn't like.

by Warm-Football-3290 1 month ago

Yes, it's pointless to talk or think about something you don't like. This "unpopular opinion" shows immaturity to me.

by PeanutMean 1 month ago

How can you not like brownies you weirdo?!

by Responsible-Hunt 1 month ago

If you work in the arts, it kind of isn't. You actually can't do your job if you can't articulate this to colleagues using specific technical terms.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah but that's not the context. The context OP has set is that just in general you should be able to describe why you don't dislike something.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It really isn't though. You've never disagreed with a friend that a show/movie/game was good? If you can't discuss why something doesn't resonate with you that's just intellectually lazy tbh.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I just accept that they have a different opinion. Why do i have to convince them that my opinion is right?

by colewalker 1 month ago

Agree 100%. It's giving immature and controlling.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If a friend things that a show was good, short of the show being morally repugnant, why on earth world I want to take away their joy?

by Ali38 1 month ago

Why not? It's great to be able to articulate what you don't like, because then it is easier to avoid later.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Thing is, some people just don't even think about the why until you ask them. I don't know WHY I don't like pickles. I just think they are gross and avoid em. Never cared enough to do a deep dive into the ingredients or creation process.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't know what explanations OP expects regarding food. "I don't like pickles because my brain registers the taste as unpleasant". That's the answer most of the time. I don't like strawberries but I do like all other berries. There's no specific reason except they don't taste good to me.

by queenking 1 month ago

That's not how music works. Songs by the same artist can vary wildly. Same goes for genre. You determine whether you like it by listening. I don't dismiss music because it might be similar to something else.

by Warm-Football-3290 1 month ago

articulating why you don't like something doesn't always correlate to helping avoiding that thing. For example you are not going to like everyone you work with but you have to be civil. You cannot always control what food is offered to you or what music you will end up hearing. Knowing exactly what type of music you hate isn't going to influence a DJ in the moment to nit play a track. Ad infinitum, sometimes life happens around you and its inevitable that you won't like something especially when you didn't know it was going to be something you won't like.

by sameffertz 1 month ago

Why not? Wouldn't that help to inform you of your taste and in the future help you find songs that you like? I don't know, seems weird to me to experience something and not think about your opinion of it to some degree.

by Existing-Currency168 1 month ago

You will be exposed to thousands of songs in your lifetime. Why waste mental energy dissecting why you don't like it when you could think about literally anything else.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

To better understand yourself? I'm not saying this needs to be a deep dive, a surface level "Too slow/fast/peppy/aggressive" or whatever is an inconsequential amount of mental energy. Assuming someone is asking your opinion, they care what you think. That you couldn't engage and give a mere surface level reason is... Idk, sad.

by Existing-Currency168 1 month ago

Those things aren't always 100% true though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sometimes things just don't appeal to you and it has nothing to do with any objective quality, particularly with music. I don't like bohemian rhapsody and I couldn't tell you why. I like other queen songs. I like other songs that sound very similar to bohemian rhapsody. It's not that it's overplayed, so are a lot of other songs that I love. I just don't like that particular song. It doesn't "click" with me. There really isn't anything else to it. I understand why other people like it, I just don't and it's fine. It doesn't have to be deeper than that. Just not liking something is a perfectly acceptable answer.

by trystan24 1 month ago

What better understanding does one get about themself to realize "I like x music"??? It's inconsequential, at best good for small talk material I suppose

by Vstiedemann 1 month ago

You're obviously not an intellectual like OP 🙄

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Looking at your replies to people who disagreed with you premise, I would say a good possibility is that you never accept their response and argue with them about why they are wrong. You're approval isn't worth the long, drawn-out conversation that would inevitably follow their true response, so they give one that can't be argued with, i.e., "I just don't like it."

by StandardShopping 1 month ago

Dingdingding. It's reminds me of narc behaviour, they NEED people to explain themselves and justify everything so that 1. The narc can decide if their reasoning is good enough for them and 2. They can break it down and invalidate it. If someone says ‘just because' it gives them no ammunition to work with - a narc's worst nightmare. OP might not be a narc of course but this stems from control issues either way.

by Mozelldonnelly 1 month ago

My ex would do this constantly. If I disliked something he liked, even something as inconsequential as a granola bar flavor, he'd demand from me a detailed explanation as to why. He'd then proceed to "deconstruct my argument" and explain to me why my reasons were invalid or poorly explained. It's exhausting.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No i disagree. I don't know why i just do.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"It gives me the ick." Just a knee-jerk, gut reaction, full-on ick. I don't feel the need to sit and revel in the ick, contemplating why the ick. The ick just says no. I'm almost 37, I do not need to explain or justify why something gives me the ick. If it does, then it's a hard pass, whatever it is.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Being able to accurately describe your emotions and WHY you're feeling a certain way is strong emotional intelligence. Most people don't have that. In fact, I would argue that the number of people capable of doing that in 100% of situations is so small as to be non-existent.

by hkling 1 month ago

Adults should be able to understand their feelings. But also OP lumps FOOD in with feelings and like, I don't know how to explain to OP that some food they like will taste bad to me. And some food I like will taste bad to them. Equating the two is where their argument becomes hard to argue.

by tess37 1 month ago

This. An adult can decide they don't like the music from an artist and not feel like caring enough about the why just fine. That shouldn't affect anyone's (ok, maybe OP's...) life at all. It's perfectly ok to not care about something.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

There are much more things to care about than we have energy to care about. Thus we need to prioritise stuff. My care about why i don't like a specific song is far lesser than my care that i get enough sleep. So if i have to choose one to care about, i won't care why i don't like that specific song, but will care about getting enough sleep. People are a bit self-absorbed and think that others should care about things they care. While they ignore that they don't care about the things others care.

by colewalker 1 month ago

Stuff like that is the number one thing that causes me to disagree with this. I can't even begin to think of what the underlying reasons are for people liking or disliking certain colours, or sounds, or flavours, etc. It could be based on a million things, but why would I want to try to psychoanalyze why I don't like neon yellow just because this guy's nagging me about it?

by Uprosacco 1 month ago

You were repeatedly struck by basketballs and chased by tigers as a child, now it brings back yucky no-no feelings in your tum-tum?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

None of that applies to me

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't like red light because it is creepy, disorienting, and causes me to feel impending doom...a bit claustrophobic too. I get that some people may not think about it that deeply though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Most of us aren't experts in the things we consume; movies, music, art, food, etc. I think it's totally valid to dislike something but not have the verbiage to articulate what didn't make that thing great for us. I know there is some emo music I love, and some that I don't, but when comparing the ones I love to the others, it's hard to put a direct comparison of them in words, and that's fine, because I'm not a music expert. It's great if you can define your personal tastes down to very specific things, because that means you can find more of stuff you'll love, but most people haven't been able to do that in all areas of things they'll experience.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

For me when I hear a "just because" answer about why someone doesn't like a song, movie, food "My tastebuds just do not vibe with the chemical composition of this food"

by richieprohaska 1 month ago

"Get away with" lol it's not a crime, nor is it something that's your job to hold other adults accountable for. And most of the time, in my experience with myself and others, it's not that the opinion hasn't been challenged, it's that others will argue to death with you about it. I don't like the movie The Godfather; I don't think it's a bad movie, it's just not for me. The amount of times people have argued with me about how I must just be missing something, or watching it wrong (idk what that even means; do I need to stand on my head??) has led me to just start saying "because I just don't like it, the end." Not everyone wants simple likes or dislikes to be turned into discussions. Not everything needs to be discussed or "challenged."

by maverick70 1 month ago

i think a lot of it comes from the bias to assume our own feelings are always the "correct" ones, so people end up extrapolating "i dont like it" into "this thing is BAD". a movie can be GREAT in ALL technical aspects but if its not about something that is interesting to me, im not gonna like it. that doesnt mean its BAD, that means I dont like it. thats it. and no amount of debate is gonna make me like it because im just not interested, sorry bud.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yeah, I agree, I think people take "i don't like it" as a referendum on their tastes. So, they feel the need to defend it. But not everything needs to be a discussion or debate, that's annoying and exhausting.

by maverick70 1 month ago

Yep. I just want to chill. Go to someone else to get intellectually stimulated instead of berating me for not intelectually stimmulating you.

by colewalker 1 month ago

Adults should also be able to say "it just creeps me out" as a legitimate explanation.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Exactly. Like pineapple on pizza. shudder So creepy.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Or that bird legs got backwards and are Emeril spindly compared to mass. Just gross and wrong!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

When I don't like a song, it's because it's a style I don't care for, or because I find it boring. When I don't like a movie, it's because I found it boring, the acting poor, the story not engaging. When I don't like a food, it's because I don't like the flavor, taste, and/or mouthfeel. It's pretty simple, really.

by Routine-Biscotti 1 month ago

No no no. You have to be able to explain how you disliked that they played a C instead of an E and that the effect on the guitar was 0.005% too heavy and that the cymbal hit was 1 millionth of a second too early.

by hkling 1 month ago

Maybe people just don't want to explain it to you because you'll argue with them about their rationale for no reason.

by Similar-Rain391 1 month ago

I don't have a rational breakdown on why I don't like The Big Bang Theory. It's just, when I watch it, I'd rather be watching almost ANYTHING else. I'm not sure why, I just hate it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I feel like "get away with" is a weird ass choice of words. People can just not like things.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Adults should accept when others disagree with them rather than demand explanations about it.

by Ok_Shoulder8741 1 month ago

nuh uh

by SpiritualMountain954 1 month ago

No is a complete sentence. We owe no explanation or justification.

by Relevant-Librarian 1 month ago

OP thinks their important enough that everyone should explain themselves and go into detail about why they feel a certain way. I owe no one but family and friends explanations. If I say I don't like something, I'm not gonna sit here and argue with a stranger over why I don't like it. You were told the information you required, piss off.

by Fmayert 1 month ago

For a lot of things, most people don't experience dislike as something that can be broken down. For me, when I look at a deep purple, I feel satisfied somewhere deep inside me. I can't explain it. Looking at a really great purple is luxurious the way that petting a kitten is. On the other hand, chartreuse makes me feel uncomfortable, like wearing a shirt that's too tight, or being in sun that's too bright and hot. Looking at it is like having my hand wrapped in plastic wrap. Now, most people aren't as articulate as I am, and they wouldn't be able to do this sort of thing; they'd say the above as something like "I like purple" and "I don't like chartreuse"; that's where it ends for them. It's the same for flavor. I can't explain to you why the flavor of licorice is so addictive, so enchanting, and so insanely appealing. I can explain that I love Italian sausage because it has fennel, or that I love fennel salad because of that rich licorice flavor, but when you get to the "because it tastes like licorice", that's the end of the line for me. I can't break it down further. And to someone who hates licorice, it's the end of the line too. They'd be able to say that they hate Italian sausage because of the fennel, but they can't articulate why it's so unappealing to them. Even sounds and musical styles can be like that. There are some sounds that to me feel like being wrapped in the most luxurious blanket on Earth and some sounds that feel like being poked with a stick over and over. But that metaphor is just an attempt to illustrate how I feel about those sounds; it's not an explanation as to why I like them or don't like them. I feel luxury when I hear the one and pain when I hear the other, and without more musical training, I couldn't say why, precisely, one sounds so lovely and wonderful and the other sounds so unappealing. Now, for things like laws and workplace policies, I agree with you completely. Those are things that can be reasoned with. You can figure out what sort of effect a policy has and think about whether that's an effect you want. But you can't reason with taste.

by Numerous-Range-3589 1 month ago

I only think this is true if you're telling someone to dislike another person. Otherwise an explanation isn't really needed.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

100% agreed If someone is telling me that they don't like someone -- especially BEFORE the other person has makes their entrance -- then they absolutely owe me some kind of explanation

by weimannalba 1 month ago

"Just because" is a mild way of saying "that's none of your business".

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People dont have to explain anything about themselves

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You seem like the kind of person OP who feels entitled to know an answer when you ask a question. People don't have to justify themselves to you. I have extensive reasons for why I don't like things but I don't feel like you need to know them?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Strong disagree. First of all, nobody owes you anything. Especially not an explanation over something so dumb as taste. Secondly, someone could dislike something because they connect it to trauma. Let's say someone was assaulted on a red couch, or to a certain song and that's why they hate it. You really want to make them re-live such traumatic experiences, just because you want an explanation? It's none of your business. Just respect people's opinions and boundaries, and move the hell along.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The very first sentence is that nobody is obligated to explain why they dislike something.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes and then OP starts contradicting that sentence.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't think OP sounds like they feel owed an explanation but rather thinks a lot of people are lazy thinkers

by Effertzimogene 1 month ago

Thinking adults. Many people don't have the capacity to form their own opinions based on some deeper meaning. They are followers. This tribal mechanism is pretty well established.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'll usually give an explanation for something benign, if asked. Like, "Oh, I don't like celery because it tastes like dirt and the stringy pieces make me gag." But sometimes I don't want to give an explanation because it's upsetting or it's none of your business. I'm not obligated to tell you, "I don't like pink carnations because they were my mom's favorite and I took some to her in the hospital the day she died."

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This annoys me when it comes to politics. People really are like sheep and will like or dislike things based on what they perceive to be the norm. Critical thinking is absent.

by mathilde27 1 month ago

Not everything has to have a reason. If I don't like how a song sounds or the way a food tastes, I'm not going to examine what makes it so. It's just the way it is

by Jaded-Tomatillo7373 1 month ago

I think it's clear that you and I like to think about things OP lol. It's wild to me that people are so defensive about it. I actually think it's a pretty good self challenge to understand why I don't like something if I don't. Self reflection is a good skill

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree. I would add that I would even be okay with someone admitting they don't know and would have to think about it, but refusing to even consider a reason is unhealthy. There are too many willfully ignorant people who avoid self-reflection and it prevents our society from improving imho.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree. You may be interested in reading about Jungian Shadow work. It may shed some light on why this is an important thing to be able to do.

by Jaquankertzmann 1 month ago

Why? For your own pleasure?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Idk why I don't like blueberries. Just not my thing.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I can't explain why I dislike this

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I disagree and I won't explain why.

by Desireeframi 1 month ago

An alternative: dislike in silence and no need to explain anything, if you speak up to dislike something then provide some explanation

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's just not for me should work fine.

by Iemard 1 month ago

Sometimes man, we just cba or we don't really know why

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Would you accept "it doesn't feel good" as a reason?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sometimes I just dislike stuff and I don't have a reason why

by Juliana65 1 month ago

I don't the colour grey because it's not pleasing to my eyes. Is this really that interesting of a discussion?

by maggiosanta 1 month ago

Am I capable of explaining why I dislike something? Sure. Am I required to do so to satisfy your curiosity? Nope. All I need to say is, "I don't like it" or if I really need to simplify it, "it gives me the ick." Could be my gut instinct tells me no, my tongue says hell no, or I just am not down to clown. Whatever the situation is, I don't need to justify it. You trying to convince me otherwise sounds like I have better things to do with my time.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If someone doesn't like a type of food or music, I don't know what more you expect from them unless « I don't like how it tastes/sounds ». « I don't like it » is pretty self explanatory.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

How do you know they don't have the ability and are not just not explaining it to avoid confrontation?

by Mconnelly 1 month ago

Sometimes you just don't like something. It really doesn't have to be deeper than that. It's not that serious. I don't like the color yellow. There's literally no real reason. I could sit here and think about it all day, but the answer as to why will still be "I just don't". I look at it, and my brain says "ew"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"Adults should have the ability to explain why they dislike something" Feels a bit judgmental tbh. There could be a plethora of reasons on why someone is unable to communicate their feelings in an understandable way.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not always .... instincts are also a thing and should be followed. Sometimes you get the reasons later and vibes first.

by caesarabernathy 1 month ago

People generally find it unpleasant to be drilled with why questions, they probably do have an answer, just because you're not getting it doesn't mean they don't have an answer. They just don't want to get into the conversation.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No reason IS a reason. I dislike Wil Ferrell. I don't have a reason. I've seen his movies. I don't like him. 🤷🏻‍♀️

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I literally almost need to vomit when I eat fish. There is no reason why I cannot eat it. It just always was this way. You dont need to reflect on every thing that you dislike. Sometimes you just dont like something.

by Dturcotte 1 month ago

This is honestly a very narrow minded viewpoint. Sure maybe everything you dislike is for a reason doesn't mean that everyone else is in the exact same boat. There are things I just don't like for no particular reason, no amount of 'challenging my opinion' will change that, and if you think otherwise you are a twat. Its also not really your business why people don't like things, maybe thats why people don't tell you their reasoning

by gabshire 1 month ago

To like or dislike something is often not a rational conclusion but an emotional response. Hence to explain why you dislike something is rationalization of something irrational. It's pointless.

by Master-Scientist 1 month ago

Yeah, I'm a little shocked at how strongly people are reacting to OP. They are just saying that you should at least be able to articulate to yourself your likes and dislikes. Or at least should try. Of course you don't have to justify yourself to other people (at least on everything), but you should at least have the ability to to put into words why you like and dislike certain things.

by Igreenfelder 1 month ago

The thing is, some things aren't that deep, when you truly know yourself through years of lived experience you don't need to over explain. I dont like this food as much as other dishes. This music isn't my thing it isn't exciting me, This task is too difficult because I'm out of practice. It really depends on the situatuon. You shouldn't have to break down into minutiae over trivial things when there is other things that take priority.

by sameffertz 1 month ago

Not everything is logical dude. Some people just have a moral opposition to something and the only way they can articulate that feeling is "it just feels wrong." Some people just don't know they don't like something, but they do know with certainty that they don't like it. Some people believe that it is none of your business and that they don't need to tell you why they dislike something. World is very nuanced man. It's complicated, weird, and nobody knows everything.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't like beans. I just don't. What conversation should we have?

by Moist_Win_6465 1 month ago

I dislike this opinion

by RestPuzzleheaded 1 month ago

How do you explain a visceral reaction?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

While I think just because is a perfectly valid answer, I fully agree that an adult ought to be self aware enough to know the reasons he dislikes a thing, or at least be able to discover them when called upon Opinions are less important to understand reasons for, beliefs that you act and live by are more important and more difficult to understand

by Leuschkegrant 1 month ago

I still don't understand why I hate that grub hub commercial so much.

by Ok-Organization 1 month ago

You'd be right for art stuff, but as for food? I mean, I could go and tell you all about how my far back right taste bud quite didn't enjoy the aroma while the middle right taste bud hated the feel of that broccoli but where's that gonna lead us. I prefer to say I don't like taking shooters instead of telling you I'll puke right away if I take one.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It depends on the situation. If its a song, movie, food, etc... then they might be able to articulate a reason. But if it is a stranger or plans for the evening and I just have a bad, gut feeling but no explanation, I am going with my gut.

by stokessalma 1 month ago

I wonder if OP is talking about the ability to rationally discuss things in general that they dislike, instead of becoming to so emotionally reactive that logical fallacies are an accepted way or arguing that the thing sucks .

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This is me. How can you not know how you feel about anything? Which of the other adults should we ask then?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

People know exactly why they don't like something they just don't know how to articulate it in a socially accepted way. Any time someone gives a vague response to something that should be dry cut is because they don't know how to be brutally honest while still sparing feelings.

by Historical_Hat3690 1 month ago

Most of life bears no explanation and that's the charm. We're talking monkeys for crying out loud, get lost in the confusion it's the best thing you can do

by qgraham 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

People have every right to not explain to you why they don't like something it could be attached to trauma. They don't wish to share. I am actually the opposite. I feel like somebody can tell me they don't like something and they can keep their reason why to themselves.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Normally if someone doesn't know why, I'd guess it's probably because it makes them angry or otherwise upset

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Or sometimes they don't have the words to describe it. With some people it's no use saying I don't like this song or movie because they'll proceed to tell you in significant detail why that thing is great and the director is a genius.

by dokon 1 month ago

I say it because it isn't anyone else's buisness why I don't like something. I dont need to justify myself to someone as they usually are trying to just change my mind instead of just accepting I don't like something.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

As an adult you can just dislike something for no reason at all. It's part of being an adult. You decide for yourself

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sometimes the explanation is too long for me to want to waste my energy going over it any time someone asks.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You sound like you're so much fun at parties

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm almost 40, I have aged out of having to explain myself to people over minutia

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Assuming you're the person asking the question the other person doesn't need to justify why they dislike something, likewise you don't need to justify why you like something. "It's not for me" or "it's not to my liking" or "it doesn't interest me" is all that needs to be said.

by dokon 1 month ago

What about the times you just don't know. Like I'll never hold someone's inability to be introspective against them. Just because someone can't explain why doesn't mean they don't like said things.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Adults should mind their own business and accept no thank you as an answer

by rose36 1 month ago

Be careful with this. It can damage otherwise healthy relationships. Having to unpack why you dislike something every single time can be frustrating. Most of us have a reaction, a feeling, and often we don't need to dwell on the underlying reasons. It's not worth the effort when it's something we immediately recognize as not for us. If you try and force people to explain what might just be a basic reaction it can start to feel like unnecessary interrogation. Alllllsssooooo... Sometimes people don't want to say why they dislike something because it may hurt the other person's feelings. "Why won't you watch this show with me anymore.". "Honestly, it makes me feel stupid everytime I sit through it" vs. "It's just not for me"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well, there's a difference between an adult having some logical explanation as to why they dislike something vs wanting/needing to give you that explanation

by Dear_Emphasis 1 month ago

Gosh, I couldn't agree more with this. I'd say that this could even apply to why they like it. We should be able to describe and explain why we like something and have conversations that goes beyond "it's really good".

by Content_Jeweler2758 1 month ago

It sounds like what you're saying is that adults should provide you with an explanation if why they don't like something. The trouble with that is that they often don't owe anyone an explanation. "Just ‘cause" is a perfectly valid answer.

by Direct_Ask_5004 1 month ago

I completely agree with you, this cannot be an unpopular opinion...this has to be a popular opinion, right? I get so annoyed with people who cannot explain WHY they dislike something.

by Jaded-Benefit 1 month ago

Very much this. It's not just dislikes, I know people who can't explain anything they think. It kinda just makes me think they're dumb. Why do you like Chick-fil-A? "Because they're quick" is a much better answer than "I just do". If you can't think of why that's concerning.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No. This was the same ‘everything must be "logical"' stance a very old ex of mine took and he used to to be condescending and controlling. If my rationale for my ideas or desires weren't ‘logical' in his opinion, then they were illogical and therefore less valid. This of course is a very common form of control and gaslighting that's traditionally been used against women for thousands of years. So ya…unpopular take

by Schmidtemilio 1 month ago

That is what the internet is for

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's just exhausting to over analyse everything in your life... I already do that. There is really no need to waste my brainpower with finding a logical reason why I don't enjoy this specific song on the radio. It's actually really neat whenever I manage that. Also I dislike OP. Dunno why..

by Responsible-Hunt 1 month ago

Sometimes it's just a vibe that's off and is really no deeper. I agree you should understand why you have strong feelings tho

by Anonymous 1 month ago