+40 Teachers who compare their students to kindergarteners/ other grades below are just as annoying, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're supposed to hate it, because you're supposed to be above that level as a human but you're not acting like it. Proof that you're immature is that you can't handle the criticism.

by Puzzleheaded-Face 1 week ago

op said the kids don't care, not them...

by Goldnerjalen 1 week ago

"You" in general

by Puzzleheaded-Face 1 week ago

Absolutely every single kid i have ever met hated being compared to children younger than them. So yes it works.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I've seen how kindergarteners act and they are not that different than how other kids act. If you honestly believe that, I would recommend spending some time on self reflection. Whether you are in 5th, 8th or 12th grade, hopefully you have matured enough to act differently from kindergartners. Just as a frame of reference, a kindergartner is around 6 years old. In 5th grade you're 11, 8th grade you're 14, and 12th grade you are 18.

by Fantastic_Carry 1 week ago

You are correct. The teachers should, instead, just throw the bad kids out of class so they can get on with the mediocre life they are going to live anyways.

by Florian07 1 week ago

Are you currently in elementary school?

by No_Stranger 1 week ago

Op did your teach call you a kindergarter

by Loud-Tangerine8220 1 week ago

I am about to graduate from grad school, but I remember those days.. ts was so annoying

by PracticalLaw4667 1 week ago