+49 Nostalgia is a waste of time, amirite?

by Pristine-Shoulder 1 week ago

life is short, let people have their little pleasures, life wouldent be worth living if it was all hard and depressingly maximized for efficiency, we got to make time for pleasure to make it all worth it. why should we spend all our time working hard, what purpose does that solve? crafting a better world for our children? one that they wont get to take the joy in because they also have work to the bone? time wasting is not always bad.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, nostalgia is just a feeling. It doesn't mean that you have to act on it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nostalgia consists of the bittersweet knowledge that that which has been, can truly never be again. The best you can do is recapture and relive just a little bit of a particular thing or time that once made you very happy…I just don't see anything wrong with that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Everything's a waste of time, just gotta pick your favorite waste

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I just don't see the appeal of sounding hours playing through old games or marathon running TV shows/movies from my childhood because I want to feel "nostalgic" Nobody does anything to "feel nostalgic" for nostalgia's sake. You can find legitimate enjoyment in things from your childhood/ teenager years, it doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with nostalgia.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

So is shooting up heroin, but some people like it.

by Small-Handle-8096 1 week ago