+32 If cleaning your house is your workout, you're grossly out of shape. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you have ADHD and procrastinate until 2 hours beore you have people over, yes, indeed, it´s a workout lol

by ethastreich 1 week ago

Story of my LIFE

by dstark 1 week ago

Poor diets also promote your adhd. ADHD here, clinical diagnosed unlike MOST PEOPLE, anddd I found out Magnesium, and Ashweghanda and a few other chemicals are good for me, while preservatives, and high fructose cornsyrup and ANY Alcohol, ANY...is a bad thing... Also Mushrooms help a bunch. Like, lions mane, cordyceps, and the kind that bleed blue.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

lol that was my exception because you would be jogging, running and or sprinting from room to room and frantically cleaning. I'm more talking about a casual clean.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have never engaged in "casual cleaning" in my life. Cleaning is alway accompanied by panic.

by ethastreich 1 week ago

Very rarily does anyone clean casually, usually they do only if they have a disability or are recovering from surgery or are very old. Normal cleaning is quite brisk it may not be a legit jog or run but you are moving your body at a far quicker pace than usual.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Based on... yourself?

by zconroy 1 week ago

Totally agree. Plus I clean my house better in those final two hours than I would if I actually spent all day doing it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It should count as zone 2 cardio imo

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I agree, but it shouldn't be your only workout. But it is good to move your body

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nobody said it should be your only workout.

by Fancy_Ad 1 week ago

I've had people irl tell me it is

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well, those specific people are probably out of shape then. I'm not sure that's a common opinion or not, but considering that most of the US is overweight and obese (not sure what country you live in) then there are probably a lot of people who genuinely don't workout.

by Fancy_Ad 1 week ago

Depending on how you clean and how deep you clean it is certainly a workout that can easily replace a gym session. Your heart rate also increases every time you stand, it increases when walking, and yes it increasing when cleaning even on elite athletes. Thats kind of just how the body works.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes depending how and what you're cleaning it can be tiring. If you're having to deeply scrub something for a significant amount of time it can work out your arms. and tectonically if you're laying in bed and then you get up and walk somewhere else in the house your heart rate "increases" but that's not a workout.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I take it you've never gotten down on your hands and knees and scrubbed an entire floor with a scrub brush.

by Sad-Character 1 week ago

I have, but i still wouldn't classify that as a full arm workout session since you're usually using one arm

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're not using your other arm to hold yourself up? And you're not using your abs and back? I think you might not be a very good floor scrubber.

by Sad-Character 1 week ago

ah yes, holding my own body weight with my other arm.. absolute killer exercise, and my poor abs, again, supporting my weight, i mean i can barley walk because yk, my legs support my weight too. this just proves my argument even more, if you can't be in a different position without it being a workout for you… yikes.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You think all your abs and back are doing are supporting your weight? Yeah, you've never actually scrubbed a floor before. No shame in that. You just don't know what you're talking about is all.

by Sad-Character 1 week ago

just say you can't support yourself with one hand it's easier lmao. also you shouldn't feel your body engaging that much unless again you're grossly out of shape

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Any and all exercise is good for you. If you consider cleaning your house "an intense workout" then you're probably out of shape.

by Mental_Suit 1 week ago

So your unpopular opinion is just shaming people for being out of shape?

by Cordell41 1 week ago

Exercise should be as obligatory as eating and sleeping, so everyone who does nothing should absolutely be shamed.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Shame is a terrible motivator though. If you want someone to change their behavior, that's the wrong way to go about it.

by Cordell41 1 week ago

What is the correct way to go about it? Why do people think shaming is the correct way to go about other things, such as countering alt-right/fascists/women-beaters?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Everyone is different. Sometimes it requires a gentle touch, other times a hard line stance. But in general, positive reinforcement along with holding people accountable yields the best results. As why for some people think shaming is better, probably because they have a low self image and putting someone else down makes them feel better about themselves. I don't understand what political bearing has to do with any of this conversation.

by Cordell41 1 week ago

Idk man. If I'm climbing onto the roof to clean out the gutters, pushing the 100 LB lawnmower, walking the trash can a mile to the dumpster, I'm calling that a workout

by Anonymous 1 week ago

cleaning the house vs yard are totally different things. the yard is definitely hard work

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Housework is considered exercise. It's a well known fact that you can easily research.

by Jamey31 1 week ago

i guess walking to my mailbox is exercise then. getting up from sitting down is exercise. picking up a glass of water is exercise. moving your body doesn't equal exercise, and if you see it that way… yikes

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit then? Where did I say anything about picking up a glass of water or getting up from a chair?

by Jamey31 1 week ago

"house work is considered exercise" is basically saying you think picking up a sock and walking it to the hamper is a workout

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you blast music and bounce around excessively the whole time. It is indeed a workout

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Who says cleaning their house is their workout? Who says if they're not working out daily they're out of shape? You seem to just want to shame people who don't obsess over working out and are making up scenarios to shame people?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

well working out daily isn't the best either, your body needs to rest. but if your only exercise is working out than that's a problem. also i have many coworkers who claim that cleaning their house is their only workout.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Or you could have medical conditions and doing the housework could zap all the energy you have.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Well that's still not a workout.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's better than nothing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What a judgemental mindset.

by schmelerthora 1 week ago

So you are saying that the only way you can declare that you did any activity is if your heart rate elevates? What if you walk 40k steps in one day. Walking doesn't raise your heart rate. So, 40k steps is not a workout?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Walking does raise your heart rate though. If you're resting heart rate is in the 60s it's not gonna be in the 60s going on a long walk

by cierracormier 1 week ago

I'm in decent shape and yeah, my heart rate increases a bit when I walk. Also cleaning my house frequently involves dozens of stair climbs. It's not intense cardio, but it's not just sitting and doing nothing.

by Typical-Lake5447 1 week ago

Maybe for you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I wouldn't call it a workout. If you can walk 40k steps without elevating your heart rate, then you must be casually walking for 8-12 hours a day on a flat surface. I draw the line around 60% maximum heart rate for it to be considered exercise, which is usually above 100BPM. If you have a 100BPM while resting, then you are incredibly unhealthy.

by Carlotta47 1 week ago

well cleaning your house isn't 40k steps, neither in the same way as washing dishes or dusting isn't an arm workout

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You just said it not a work put because you don't elevate your heart rate.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's not 40k steps, but depending on the size of your house, you can wrack up quite a big step count. I grew up in a 6,000 square foot house with two floors, 7 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a huge family room and a living room upstairs and downstairs. Cleaning that house (genuine cleaning, not just running a vaccuum around) was like a day's event and definitely worked up a step count.

by Fancy_Ad 1 week ago

jesus, yea that many rooms would take a whole day to clean, especially if it was one person doing it all. This is more in reference to my coworkers who cal cleaning their house as being a workout and they have 3-4 bedrooms and 1-2 bathrooms.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

lol my coworkers say the same. But then constantly complain they can't lose weight. Like yea if that's what you consider a workout I wonder why

by cierracormier 1 week ago

I throw my back out every weekend, cleaning the house.

by derdman 1 week ago

For people that live sedentary lives, any movement is good for them. It wound get them to be physically fit, but it will get the body moving and keep them somewhat flexible.

by amberkris 1 week ago