+36 Most people in Greek life are lying about why they joined, and it would be much less annoying if they just admitted it. amirite?

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

The letters

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nothing except the naming conventions of the organizations. Also I had to be able to recite the Greek alphabet forward and back before a match burned out between my fingers while people sprayed me with a hose in a mud floor basement in Pittsburgh in February. But that's more related to Pittsburgh than Greek people.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I honestly can't tell if you're going or not

by Recent-Signature 1 week ago

Sororities and fraternities are represented by Greek letters like kappa psi.

by katheryngutkows 1 week ago

Yeah it's not like they're fighting Persians

by julianaschaefer 1 week ago

maybe that's what they want you to think.. War is coming.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lots of anal.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

if my special online videos are to be believed, that is all they do in these places.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Party until you puke and orgies

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lol yeah, I am from the UK and when I saw that I was wondering if OP was saying that Greek people were lying, or that people who emigrated to Greece were being dishonest about their secret agendas!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I had heard of sororities and fraternities, but I don't understand what is meant by "Greek Life" or why OP used that phrase 7 times

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's because they're often associated with Greek letters like "delta delta delta" or "sigma phi epsilon"

by terrell32 1 week ago

More like sigma ti indigo

by udurgan 1 week ago

It makes me want to play AC Odyssey

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Man, that is the best game.

by Individual_Low9110 1 week ago

It plays good

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ddd sfe?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Do you not know about the Greek alphabet? Delta, sigma, phi, and epsilon are Greek letters

by terrell32 1 week ago

It's a transcription of "delta delta delta sigma phi epsilon" into the Latin alphabet. Yes, I am familiar with the Greek alphabet. I have a system where I use it to write English.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're definitely not using the Greek alphabet to write in English.

by Popular-Water-1637 1 week ago

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make but I'm pretty sure you're just being obtuse on purpose

by terrell32 1 week ago

its a joke about transliterating the sounds of the greek letters in latin ones

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Δδδ σφε

by Limp_Leader_7015 1 week ago

Togas and ouzo?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

More experienced members fukin the hell out of the younger member asses?

by Healthy-Limit493 1 week ago

Yeah as a non US person I was like "why are they sooo steamed about the culture in Greece?" It did click near the end!

by Satterfieldrich 1 week ago

Yeah. I figured they wanted to make a point about moving to Greece. Work at a job for a bit and retire way before the rest of Europe does. All the while hanging around in your front yard, doing Ouzo with Spiros and Yiannis, complaining about Brussels needing to shut up "at least we're not as annoying as all those tourists you know", etc.. The wife, Maria, shouting out of the kitchen window that dinner is ready, and "this time do wash your hands!". "Maria always seems like she talks just a little bit louder than is nessecarily, oh well that's just the temperament i guess". Yes, living that Greek life...

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Get out of my head

by donnellymerl 1 week ago

Στην υγειά σας

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Imagine if these American fratboys went to Greece to see what actual Greek life was all about

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Greek life... Like, poverty and crippling debt?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Same here. Besides the greek letter thing, what does it has to do with Greece or Greeks? To me it feels like the kind of thing that exists only in American films, so the fact that it actually exists is quite a surprise

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I was so confused. 😂

by Asleep-Couple1376 1 week ago

And which one would that be exactly

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The one that Greek commonly refers to.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Isn't Greek life about sitting in the sun all day and being bad with money??

by Anonymous 1 week ago

and not repaying debts.

by Bright-Pressure 1 week ago

It's like having a set group of friends and support network. I can understand the appeal of that.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And the higher the dues the more business connections you leave with at graduation.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Most people do that without a paid membership, and the shortcut to friendship via traumatic bonding aka hazing, that normally occurs over an extended life period (growing up in the neighborhood).

by Only_Leek1202 1 week ago

Honestly never understood the whole fraternity/sorority thing in America. Like, what is it for? Is it to satiate some need to be in a group? Is it tribalism? What's the point of any of it?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is it tribalism? Precisely.

by Impossible_You1381 1 week ago

In its bare essence it's just a social club. It can be surprisingly hard to get into the "social life scene" in universities here, even for generally social people. So it's just a shortcut that one can take if they don't want to have to go through a long chain of meeting the right people.

by jacintheheidenr 1 week ago

I've only ever heard the phrase social club before on shows about the mafia. They don't really still exist, do they? I mean in significant numbers, not just like one or two. What's the purpose of a social club? Is it just like a bar?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Social activities

by Forsaken_Intention 1 week ago

Very popular in London there are a ton of selective social clubs. Also think Soho house which has grown globally over the past 20ish years.

by Brekkejohann 1 week ago

This isn't the whole reason but part of why it's such a big deal is that it's a legal way to unofficially discriminate. It's illegal for colleges to do any kind of racial or religious discrimination, all male schools are pretty rare, and with student loans you don't really have to be rich to go to college anymore. For people who want to treat college like a rich, white, boy's club like it was for most of its existence they need an exclusive group within the school to do it. It's still illegal for them to explicitly discriminate of course but perfectly fine for them to be "selective" and not have to explain their criteria for who they let in. I don't think most frats are actually discriminatory these days but this was a big part of the reason at their origins and for a long time after. The schools that (at least stereotypically) make the biggest deal out of greek life are places in the south or lower midwest that have historically had problems with segregation and their frat culture is explicitly "preppy" in a way you have to come from some money to really be able to participate in.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

For dudes at least, it's a way to guarantee you can party regularly (which makes getting laid a lot easier because the frat parties are 80% girls). Never was appealing to me

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I read a fascinating take that's it's to do with safety and lacking an overall "community" like other countries foster. Also the USA tends to (especially in Ivy League territory) have young people that are more infantilised than other countries so having that sort of home away from home feel can be more comfortable.

by No-Listen5535 1 week ago

It used to be to party and get laid. Somehow i think its turned into something else

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's just a part of the culture. Mostly for parties and doing crazy stuff.

by katheryngutkows 1 week ago

Greek life, its the only way I know

by Anonymous 1 week ago

*busch lattes and cigarettes

by Adrianna57 1 week ago

I considered it, I wanted to have a close-knit group of friends and meet people and be important. The party culture was certainly an appeal though!

by ElegantCapital 1 week ago

As a European, the whole concept is cringe and pathetic.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Agree! In my country Frats are abusive and makes joining members go undergo physical abuse that causes their deaths. Which makes me have burning hatred towards them.

by Formal_Function 1 week ago

Fully depends where you are, i suspect you are talking about the reuzegommers? But as a student myself i have a very mixed experience with frats. Some are typical elitists and generally insuffarable, but lots of them are just regular people who enjoy the closely bonded life such groups give you. I myself don't join fraternities, but i could see why some do.

by Margie21 1 week ago

Fraternities exist here as well tho? I agree it‘s cringe and pathetic, but it‘s not a foreign concept in Europe at all.

by AccomplishedFix 1 week ago

Funny enough one of the biggest and maybe most valuable lessons I learned was that even the people in my frat I didn't get along with, I had to work with or be around. Sometimes you can't choose who your brothers and sisters are and you still have to make the relationship work. Definitely shaped my outlook and made me way less of an opinionated stuck up ass.

by Reasonable-Figure351 1 week ago

sisterhood/brotherhood = friends

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You bought/paid into it. Real friends happened over a long period of time from real life scenarios that caused trauma bonding, you took a shortcut with the hazing part.

by Only_Leek1202 1 week ago

Yeah I know that's what they mean, Im just replicating the language they typically use when talking about it lol

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

No I mean the literal use of the word makes sense here, joining for sisterhood means they're joining to make friends that they hopefully get close with enough to call each each other sisters

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Oh I entirely agree that's what they say, and I don't even doubt that they do mean that at the start of everything. My issue is that I frequently hear them complaining and insulting the other people in their chapters and rarely hear them talk about friends that they made there, but they stick to their claim that they're still there because they love the sisterhood/brotherhood that comes along with it. It just seems incredibly contradictory if that makes any sense

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

As an outsider you're probably a safe person to complain about sisters to. And they probably suspect that you wouldn't be all that interested in "there's this girl named Hailey that i really get along with"

by hansenelisha 1 week ago

Most people don't talk about things that are going well unprompted— they're much more likely to complain.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Also within these often large groups there are going to be women you don't get on with. You're more likely to have a close few that are your best friends and the others that annoy you because they leave their dishes out in the common room.

by Brekkejohann 1 week ago

Seems like it's your personal experience and the people you are surrounded by more than anything. While this does happen, many times it also doesn't.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I joined a service fraternity that didn't have a house and didn't party, so I definitely didn't join for the party culture. Not every fraternity/sorority is centered around partying.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's good to hear! Most Frats/Sors I hear from have bad reputation like Harming their members or making them undergo dangerous initiations.

by Formal_Function 1 week ago

I mean, I've never been in a sorority, but I think it's a little more nuanced than just "paying for friends". It's more like you're paying for the opportunity to spend time with people who are likely to have something in common, and that will increase the opportunity for you to make friends. I don't see anything wrong with this. It's not any different than paying to join a sports league, or paying to join a theater club, or dance team, to make friends.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

legitimately nearly all my dues went towards alcohol and events. So I was just buying that indirectly

by jacintheheidenr 1 week ago

Yeah that's what I said

by Anonymous 1 week ago

i'm agreeing lol

by jacintheheidenr 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

I was independent but people who say fraternities are "paying for friends" give big "I'm in liberal arts and too much of an independent thinker" vibes

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think it's pertaining to Fraternities and Sororities.

by Formal_Function 1 week ago

Greek life isn't truly for everyone. As someone in a sorority, I see why people disagree with it. I have seen a true difference of talking to people from big schools compared small schools about their Greek life experience. It all depends on personal experience.

by Leilani50 1 week ago

I'm curious about the difference between the big school Greek experience and the small school Greek experience 😊

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah I think a big part of it for me is that my school is pretty big, and so there are around 80 frats/sororities and a ton of them have hundreds of members at any given time. And every year we hear about multiple getting put on probation because of out of control parties, assaults, and legal proceedings, so that definitely contributes to why I'm not too fond of it

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

I think you're really discounting the number of connections made in Greek life and how that can change you life and fortune forever. It's really true about ‘who you know'.

by Nitzschenelle 1 week ago

I don't regret joining Greek life. It granted me a lot of experiences,and introduced me to people I would have never met otherwise. The formals and parties were amazing,and I'm glad I was able to have that typical college experience.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yeah none of it makes sense. Maybe I would have considered joining a couple years ago if greek life wasn't all about partying, but unfortunately it is so I stay out of it.

by Low_Shopping 1 week ago

I started my chapter to mix with the sororities It is basically a giant game of bachelor to me, im in there looking for gfs and wifey material We've been hyperselecting males and getting the sororities to be less picky, so now the female to male ratio is climbing. The optimal ratio might be around 2-3 girls per boy, but not more than 4 It might be interesting to raise it to 10 or something, maybe I'll talk to one of them, but the bulk of the sororities should be capped around 3.5x at the highest Yes business connections, yes philanthropy, yes partying, yes, yes, yes But it is basically a social hierarchy If you get tapped, you're a 10, like we're only choosing the hottest, smartest guys But yea, the point is to mix with the sororities, that's the main reason I founded my chapter, brotherhood and all that was secondary, albeit still important Plus, I am suuuper introverted so it's an easy way for me to party when I want to

by rhiannatoy 1 week ago

Yeah like I'm not going to deny that there is an element of networking and philanthropy, but so much of the culture surrounding it is based in partying, so I feel like there's no way that they don't at least partially join for that. (at least at bigger schools like mine with 80+ frats/sororities with hundreds of members in most of them)

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

Yea that sounds huge and chaotic, my school is smaller and way simpler than that A primary objective here is to get the societies to objectify the frat bro. It should be an honor just for her to get to talk to a brother, much less get to date or party with one. Like I said it's a social hierarchy and it's about status If your grades are kept up, what's wrong with partying? We have GPA requirements, and if you're paying dues you're likely not broke We have tons of bureaucracy to deal with, lots of education on safe partying that we brainwash the frat with. I don't drink, so I'm always a sober monitor. Let them have their fun This Greek life thing is a whole set of sidequests that may combine with my main quest lines, I HAD to.

by rhiannatoy 1 week ago

Yeah no my campus is over 51,000 people, with 18-20% of students being members. It's huge, expensive, honestly really problematic with how many get put on probation for out of control parties, drugs, assault, or insane legal infractions (like embezzlement, which happened this year). It's very messy

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

I was thinking this was a club for Greek yogurt or appreciation of the Hellenistic era lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean I also have a strong dislike of Greek yogurt, so it fits 😂

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

From what I've heard from friends that have been involved, it's just a way to get laid. Literally that. The rest is just a facade

by Icy_Range 1 week ago

I joined a chapter after serving in the Army. When you've had brotherhood, you realize a lot of friendship feels like less. Most friends you make at college are weak associations at best. My chapter fills the gap that leaving my fellow service members behind left me. Brotherhood/Sisterhood is hard to understand if you've never experienced. I've definitely heard/seen chapters that don't operate that way. Its not an expirence created equally.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Greek life for African Americans at Historically white university has been incredibly important the divine 9 has been a blessing for African American women for years

by Party_Ad 1 week ago

That I wasn't aware of, I'm glad African Americans were able to create that space an benefit from it. However that doesn't change the fact the majority of Greek life heavily draws upon bigoted traditions.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe you should step back from the convo if you didn't even know that black fraternities existed lol

by Forsaken_Intention 1 week ago

Where are you getting this? I was in a fraternity and when I was in there were guys of all backgrounds. We had brothers from france, germany, the UK, tanzania, and egypt. All kind of backgrounds are interested in greek life.

by Emergency_Let_721 1 week ago

Dude, you ever consider that "Greek life" means nothing to most of the world ? Put college frat or something like that in.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's an American talking to other Americans, if whatever place you're from doesn't have American style college social Fraternities, they aren't talking to you.

by Imcdermott 1 week ago

Sounds like tulane

by Crazy_Depth 1 week ago

Why people join isn't nearly as big of an issue as the "community" of guys that graduated recently and are just… around… propagating drug connections and organizing seedy social events. My fraternity experience was a lot of fun, but there is definitely an established underground society with a revolving cast running parallel to the universities. And the culture of most universities is like the Olympic village—a breeding pit for a selective bunch with events on the side.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Maybe someone can answer this here: How much of it is just networking? Fraternity/Sororities here are all about political alignment, and networking (aka. hoping for some of that sweet sweet nepotism to fall your way). A ton of them are nationalist/conservative, but there are also a bunch of socialist and communist groups that are often named differently but operate basically the same. How much of greek life is that?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Perhaps "community" means something else to those people. Let them have each other and work it out fast away from you.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Have you even joined any club or team? You join because it's something you're interested in and it provides a community in which to enjoy it. The reality is you're often not going to like everyone. So yeah you complain about the ones ones you don't get on with and hang with the ones you do. Having been in academic clubs, sports teams and a sorority it was all the same to me. I found communities to give me a place and some meaning. Any parties or networking were a bonus.

by Brekkejohann 1 week ago

Tf is greek life?

by ryleighkerluke 1 week ago

It's referring to college frats and sororities, I didn't realize that "Greek life" was only a term used in the US

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

I'm also US but never heard it before.

by ryleighkerluke 1 week ago

Ope, I've always heard it referred to as Greek life but it could very well differ regionally 😅

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

weird thing to care about

by Alfonso67 1 week ago

I mean yeah, I'm not gonna deny that 😂 But it's hard to avoid having a strong opinion when you're on a campus of over 50,000 people and each year between 18-20% of those people are a member of a frat or sorority. It is a very prominent part of our campus so a lot of people here have very strong opinions about it 🤷🏼‍♀️

by jaydaschuster 1 week ago

Idk what the hell a greek life is but people join fraternties and sororities to have an in group by default and to party their brains out. Idk any other reason anyone would join.

by BowlFit 1 week ago

You know, I excessively hated fraternities before I got to college. Literally my freshman year, I rushed one. A music fraternity. It was a great way to make friends, celebrate, sing, and generally make music together. Yeah there were parties, but I have no regrets for rushing and staying a member till I finished college. Maybe you have different opinions towards professional and specialty organizations, maybe not, but they're not all harmful.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Is this about yoghurt?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Why do they use the greek alphabet in these semi cults?

by Bright-Pressure 1 week ago

Hmm…. You never hear people talking about this for some reason…..

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I didn't get a bid since I tried to rush in my senior year lol but I was in it for partying and girls. especially girls. lmao idgaf I wanted to have the college experience and get the most out of it at the time. now that I'm 30 it's not what's on my mind. now I wish I just spent more time studying and getting internships. maybe joining a business frat at least. would've helped a lot with my current career and financial situation. not that my current situation doesn't have a way out, but it would've made my life easier. it is what it is tho. no use crying about it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's the only way I know!

by Zealousideal-Code942 1 week ago