+43 ‘Scalping' is a legitimate economic activity, amirite?

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

On the contrary, they are repricing the goods to reflect their actual scarcity and value in the market Their activity is good for the economy because the price at which they sell the goods/service reflects the real demand for them. Rather than just naively selling it at a constant rate through time. Or by selling it at some stale price you agreed to people 6 months ago In effect the so-called ‘scalpers' are acting maximally efficiently whereas most businesses won't dynamically price good-sevices like this because they fear the hit to their reputation, and are worried about coming across as ‘unfair'

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

Please explain to me how scalpers taking more money out of the economy by artificially raising prices is actually good for the economy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Please explain to me how they ‘take money out of the economy'

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

They aren't spending the money that they get. They're trying to make as much as possible and have it sit in savings accounts.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you're measuring using GDP, secondary markets are excluded.

by fernzboncak 1 week ago

No they're not. They're creating artificial scarcity and that's the issue.

by fernzboncak 1 week ago

The people reselling are also providing a service

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

The problem is that a lot of the time the only scarcity is artificially created by the scalpers themselves.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This is a legitimate economic activity I mean, so is buying up all the chemo medication at cost and reselling it to cancer patients at 5x its current cost. and there is nothing wrong with it Only if there's no ethical quandary around being someone who sells a good who is also capable of creating artificial scarcity by acquiring and withholding that good.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

OK, so there may be incidental scarcity of a few minutes which is completely inconsequential

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

which is completely inconsequential Evidently not. That's why the price can go up.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That's not why the price goes up though lol

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

Why do the prices go up? Because there isn't a supply of tickets at a lower price? You could say, lower priced tickets are scarce?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You can't be this stupid

by TumbleweedUnique 1 week ago

That's literally why the prices goes up

by emarddrew 1 week ago

You just seem like a sleeze

by Nnolan 1 week ago

This is exactly the class of argument I expect from your typical rabidly zealous anti-scalper

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

Something is legitimate doesn't mean there is nothing wrong with it.

by YouthMaleficent 1 week ago

It is legitimate and also there is nothing wrong with it

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago

How does this activity add value to the concert tickets? It does not, it raises prices while LOWERING the value. This is what distinguishes it from genuine economic labour.

by joshuastanton 1 week ago

How does it lower value? It is the same musician - the same concert. lol

by Minute_Permission690 1 week ago