+44 Smart people are breeding with smart people, and dumb people breed with dumb people believing they're smart. In the distant future humans will evolve into 2 types: a dumb variant and a smart variant. amirite?

by SpecialistAngle2253 1 week ago

Dumb people can have smart kids and smart people can have dumb kids

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And dumb people are much more prolific breeders.

by Fluettgen 1 week ago

In the short term yes, but passing on genes for hundreds of thousands of years will add up.

by SpecialistAngle2253 1 week ago

Dumb beliefs aren't in the genes.. They can get passed with upbringing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There's a difference between being intelligent and wise. And there are intelligent psychopaths weaponing their cunning iq

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I still disagree but I enjoyed the debate was fun. Later alligator

by Anonymous 1 week ago

😀 My cat's breath smells like cat food!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

There are different kinds of intelligence. An extremely smart person can also have very little common sense. Someone with a very low IQ can have exceptionally good memory.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You might enjoy the movie "Idiocracy."

by Eastern-Peak-1208 1 week ago

Two dumbs DO make a right.

by BetterCrew2365 1 week ago

I know which one I am. Team dumbass all the way!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nope. I'm not saying what you say I'm saying. I won't argue with someone who makes me a strawman. Bye.

by Frosty-Donkey9816 1 week ago

Your argument is flawed as someone.pointed out. Smart people don't often produce smart kids. Intelligence isn't necessarily passed on. Either you're one or you're not. Parents might put you in a good.school but it doesn't mean they will end up smart. Finally Intelligence and academic smart are different. One could be the latter but not the former and vice versa.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You going in a loop is ironically hilarious because you don't get it - does that mean you're not as smart as others who get it first time or is your brain not as smooth as mine? Due to colonialism, my mother was not allowed to study past 9 years old ans my dad was a drunk - yet I have two masters and a business, explain that ? Also my head isn't smooth. What happens if a lady has a pelvic injury and will struggle with traditional birth. Does her son become smarter because he was C-Sectioned instead? Holding an ideology does not make one not smart or smart. It's like saying, inheriting my dad's height of 6'5 would automatically make me strong where as in reality a skilled 5'6 guy could destroy me in a fight.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Currently, the dumb ones seem to be out breeding the smart ones ….

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Smart people will breed with dumb people, when dumb people are hot. Or rich smart people will breed dumb people because they are way younger and attractive

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes this does happen I'm not denying it. Again, evolution doesn't happen in 1 day. As long as there's a correlation of smart people avoiding dumb echo chambers then there is a dumb-people-gene-pool that is being created.

by SpecialistAngle2253 1 week ago

Ok, so then… Beautiful people are procreating only with other beautiful people. Ugly people are only reproducing with other ugly people. We will eventually have only tens and ones.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

But that isn't true because we aren't segregating for looks that hard. And ugly people don't find ugly people attractive, whereas dumb people think other dumb people are smart. The point is that there has to be a feedback loop. Ugly people don't create that feedback loop because there's no "ugly person echo chamber".

by SpecialistAngle2253 1 week ago

Yeah i was kinda joking when i said that, because it's obviously not true

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Will we have smart folks discussing quantum physics and the others still struggling to use a microwave correctly?

by toni54 1 week ago

Unfortunately smart people dont breed as much as dimwits and if smart people get enough money them or there offspring will hump a dim witted pretty thing so the likelihood is that humans will get progressively stupider

by Anonymous 1 week ago

What makes them think their offspring will be off like them? My parents are anti vaxers. I've been collecting boosters.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"Dumb genes"? I guess we know which camp you're in

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Dogs don't give birth to crows so eugenics is good?

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago