+42 Billy Mays was an Influencer before we had the word, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'd go farther back and say Jim "Ernest P. Worrell" Varney. A standup comedian and classically trained actor, he left his native Kentucky to try and make it big in Hollywood, but returned after a few years. Working for an ad agency, he made his first appearance as Ernest in a commercial, and the character was soon licensed by many companies to advertise products all over the region and soon after the country. Ernest P. Worrell was such a huge hit, Jim returned to Hollywood with a reignited career with a TV show and series of movies starring the character, as well as many other film and voice roles. Jim Varney was the first viral star, he was Larry the Cable Guy before Larry the Cable Guy, and since he promoted a lot of products, he was an influencer even before Billy Mays was.

by Kenokeefe 1 week ago

Bruh I like Ernest scared stupid as much as the next guy but damn. How bout a bumper sandwich booger lips!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Before they were called "influencers" they were called a spokesman (spokesperson) or a celebrity endorser. It's the same thing, and has been a thing since ancient Rome. (Probably before that, but I don't know of any specific examples) Gladiators who reached celebrity status would endorse specific shops/eateries or anything their patron wanted.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Yes and no. I think many of them aren't actually selling anything, just promoting things which would make them a bit more like a celebrity endorser than a salesman.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

The original influencers were the athletes on the Wheaties box

by Crazy_Protection 1 week ago

Salesmen sell. Influencers don't sell, they influence. Yeah it's probably a fine line but I've known and worked with many salespeople who can, as the saying goes, "sell ice to an Eskimo". There's a sort of art to it, and they generally have to know their products because clients may have questions, and the salesperson is usually the first one they call. Influencers are more like like a spokesperson, because half of them probably don't use the product they're hawking, and many times don't really know much other than the script tells them to know.

by BowlOk8597 1 week ago

Selling you something and influencing you to buy something are the same thing, no matter the method you use. Some people definitely have more skill than others, but they are in the end they are trying to do the same thing.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

And he went out doing drugs like so many influencers that would follow him

by Powlowskiwestle 1 week ago

Don't forget about Vince Offer

by NoBad4347 1 week ago

If we want to go down this road of logic, the original influencers were carnival barkers who tried to drum up an audience for carnival side shows.

by Leannonreba 1 week ago

Phil Swift is just Billy Mays 2

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Billy mays here, boy do i have a product for you!

by Diligent_Number7601 1 week ago

Influencers are usually trust fund babies. Salesmen come from a variety of backgrounds.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Salesman, not influencer.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It was all a sham… wow

by Anonymous 1 week ago