+45 People are not inherently dumb or lazy, they're just are because they're forced to work at a job they don't like to survive. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I wish you would put more effort into the grammar and spelling of this opinion

by Negative-Net 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Not really

by Gerrymurazik 1 week ago


by Anonymous 1 week ago

Using touch keys IS pretty awful. And speech is even worse, every other word is misheard.

by bradenhand 1 week ago


by daren51 1 week ago

Some people are dumb and lazy. I have met them.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Can confirm. Am dumb and lazy.

by Ok_Roll_9511 1 week ago

And I'm one of them 😎

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have worked with and for them. They will never be anything other than unskilled labor, and it's not their fault. They too deserve to live with dignity.

by israel41 1 week ago

Real unpopular opinion here. They have a right to exist. But if they are too lazy for even unskilled labor, tough luck for them. No one is gonna burden themselves for the lazy.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

One guy in the family struggles with taking the garbage out. Hes always going to have a rough time

by Terrible_Author 1 week ago

How did you end up working for "unskilled labor"?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

16, fast food, shift managers.

by israel41 1 week ago

Why isn't it their fault?

by Subject-Neck8 1 week ago

But not us! We are all smart and hard working! Just like everybody else… Wait

by rociostreich 1 week ago

I'm dumb lazy and tired

by dean35 1 week ago

This is the viewpoint of someone whose never had to confront the realities of life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

You're spot on with your description of the poverty mindset. I've known plenty of folks like that, and things don't get any better for them. The poverty mindset is the one everyone should be trying to avoid like the plague, but I recognize some people are simply not fortunate enough in life.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'd bet anything people in poverty work 60 hours more often than working class people.

by Johnathon36 1 week ago

I have 3 jobs. I work 80 hours a week. It can be done. I'm not alone.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Most people in poverty are hourly. If they're working 60 hours then that's 20 hours of time and a half, equivalent to 70 hours of pay. They might work a second job, but usually because the first is only 20-30 hours and then they add on another 10. Most salary people at my previous work place were there at 8am and there after 5pm with short or no lunch plus some evening or other work. They still get paid for 40 even working 60, so employers push that a lot.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Working all the overtime you can get, at a mill, plant, factory, as opposed to no overtime, can be the difference between $50k and $70k. Just to use a generic example I've seen myself. The specific gap will obviously depend on a few factors. But it's big

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Does standing around between lunch and dinner count as work?

by Subject-Neck8 1 week ago

That's prettyuch how I feel. I'll never crawl out of poverty, no matter how hard I try. Unless I get lucky, I'll do what I can. There's no point in overworking myself if I already know it won't do anything.

by LegitimateOpening435 1 week ago

Unless, you come from a decent background. No loans/aid is given to you because you're seen as a high risk regardless of how perfect is your score. Trust me, I've tried.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Business loans are easier to get than personal loans or mortgages. If you have a business PLAN, have your ducks in a row and have crunched the numbers, banks will work with you if you're company will make $. Here in oil and gas country, they killed it. Why is everyone so negative these days? No wonder

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Im absolutely sure the dude who started an oil and gas company used 0 dollars from his parents to do so.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lol. A bank loaning an 18 year old enough money to start an oil and gas company? Don't blame circumstances Says the person living off of disability, renting for their entire life, is waiting for a food bank to deliver their food, and judging other people on the internet for them not being millionaires at age 18. And YOU of all people have the audacity to talk about people mooching, and want to tell stories about no excuses. "It's this thing called work from home" "Maybe you weren't aware of what they can do." "Find something that's in high demand, research it, and learn it." "Not everyone mooches off of disability, just the lazy ones."

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Lmao. Cool story. Make it believable next time.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you don't believe it, I don't care. If people who go for it and are successful make you jealous, I don't care. It's true, and it's called hard work and brains. You obviously work in fast food, because people are successful all the time. Except for you. I'm sorry you're so jealous. I don't care.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

"you obviously work in fast food" So you're a douche nozzle?

by Goodwindewayne 1 week ago

Being in poverty literally reduces your IQ. Shown by research done one Indian farmers, who gained IQ by one standard deviation right after harvest, if it went well and they sold everything. Then, as the next season rolled in, the stress increased, and money started getting low. IQ dropped again. A whole friggin 15 points. How do you think it is for the poor, week to week. Living like this. Or even poor students, wondering how they will pay back their loans. It effects their IQ.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

That guys name? Daniel Plainview

by francochamplin 1 week ago

Wtf are you talking about?

by Anonymous 1 week ago


by francochamplin 1 week ago

Says the guy who is too lazy to do a Google search lmaoo

by LegitimateOpening435 1 week ago

He was talking about mindset, not oppotunity. People from lower class just usually dont have that much incentive, confidence or education as those from middle and uooer class to do some research to walk out from their fragile life routine and put more effort to pursue a better life.

by Glass_Supermarket 1 week ago

I'm not even that poor and work as an exterminator. I'm doing it because it has a decent work effort to pay ratio. I only have to do enough that I never get a complaint and nothing more.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I think I had a stroke reading this.

by champlinaaliyah 1 week ago

OP is too lazy to write properly.

by Subject-Neck8 1 week ago

It's just hypocritical of OP.

by Subject-Neck8 1 week ago

Lol. Always excuses with people who refuse to learn.

by Subject-Neck8 1 week ago

Little of Column A; little of Column B

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Honestly I think it's because you get punished for doing a good job. My last job I did everything, did extra stuff, started picking up tasks for my manager and colleagues, became the single point of failure for certain process. Got told that I'm an outstanding worker, got promoted within a year - only to find out I got paid £7k less than my two coworkers who started in the same role at the same time as me at the same age, and then got given the boot during a restructure due to budget cuts (didn't boot the two less effective employees who were more expensive though). Current job, half-assed a document 30 minutes before a presentation and got told by my boss it's one of the better presentations they've been in.

by Langworthgarric 1 week ago

Well that's not how IQ works but that's besides the point. But I'm not sure this is true because you can tell from a very young age who's dumb and lazy and wouldn't be making much money or have a good career.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Have you met someone who is still unmotivated, dumb and lazy when they are enjoying their own hobbies?

by OddPlum3360 1 week ago

Yes actually.

by bradenhand 1 week ago

Literally me

by Live_Artichoke 1 week ago

Most people are inherently dumb and lazy. Mankind only needs a handful of smart people to excel

by Latter-Raccoon-2013 1 week ago

You're not forced to do anything. Being broke is easy, that's why so many people do it. If you want more you have to do things that are hard.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Why should I give a promotion to someone who does the bare minimum?

by Shaniamaggio 1 week ago

My coworker sits and does nothing all day and then complains about how he doesn't like the job while gathering his $63k/yr for quite literally nothing. He sure did fool us during the interview when he reiterated this was his dream job. People are dumb and lazy. They might want to pretend they aren't and blame something else, but they most definitely are just dumb and lazy.

by Ok-Scallion4118 1 week ago

People say anything in interviews because bills are due and they need a check. Every job I interview is my "dream job", because I have to work.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

All I hear is this guy is smart

by Former-Eggplant 1 week ago

What specifically does he do? Just wondering

by True_Earth 1 week ago

People were healthy, smart, and hard working when they used to have to all work jobs that they hated and barely kept their families alive. People in the 50-60s lived through a World War, so they were just happy to have real sugar. They also had parents that raised them and a society that didn't let them slack. And that's less than 100 years ago. Try going further back. If you're not doing something that you love, put your extra time into finding and developing a marketable skill that you love. Take pride in what you do and spend more time and effort learning how to upgrade and maintain your own stuff rather than hiring people to do things for you and you'll make your money go a lot further. That doesn't mean that life is easy or fun, but a lot of how life turns out is still dependent upon your attitude.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Some people are so dumb they can't type three words without making an error. These people are often so lazy they fail to check their writing for errors before sending.

by OkPalpitation 1 week ago

That title is a mess

by Sea-Bat8642 1 week ago

So then what do you do? Where do you put your effort? Saving up all your effort and energy you must have a side hustle or something?

by Additional_Front 1 week ago

what energy 😭?

by Quiet-Accountant5596 1 week ago

Why are you acting like all people are the same? A person is an individual.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Half agree. Very few people are truly stupid but most people are lazy.

by anjalivandervor 1 week ago

Humans are inherently lazy. And that's okay.

by Electronic_Rate 1 week ago

not inherently dumb or lazy, they're just are

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I'm lazy. Maybe I'm the exception.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

you're wrong, but I have neither the willpower nor the intellect to elaborate.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I mean, I don't think that either proves or disproves their intelligence. But I'm pretty sure that a willingness to do things you don't like for various gains, self enrichment, obligation and responsibility is most of what divides the lazy and the not lazy. Actually liking your job to some extent helps, but a looooot of people who aren't lazy also don't like their job, or at the very least would love not being able to have to do it 5+ days a week.

by Virtual-Pea-9712 1 week ago

Taking about effort and writes this. That's rich.

by Alexzanderpowlo 1 week ago

I'm not work lazy. I'm selective life lazy. I have a food towel so I can lay down in bed and eat while I watch my shows. I pick up my socks with my toes so I don't have to bend down. I sometimes eat food that's not hot enough because I don't wanna get back up and go back to the microwave. I also play sports every weekend. I dunno what it is lol. I a

by Anonymous 1 week ago

No one who works 40 hours a week is lazy. I don't care what you do.

by kayleyrolfson 1 week ago

I never do a job half assed. I take pride in what I'm doing regardless of station or pay.

by grimeskiara 1 week ago

I can barely figure out what you're typing.

by seamusmurazik 1 week ago

I'm not saying there isn't some underlying reason a lot of times, but a lot of these people who have a job they don't like were also pretty dumb and lazy in school as well. I'd argue it's more likely people are dumb and lazy by default and becoming knowledgeable and hard working is a condition you build yourself up to. Everyone would rather not work, not everyone is lazy

by OwnQuiet 1 week ago

OP's spelling proves their point

by Ready_Macaron7114 1 week ago

You can change your life if you really want to, think outside the box and find something else to do for a living. Nobody loves working, but if you're in a job you hate (do something, you'd be amazed at what you can do if you change your attitude and come up with something). It's a looong time you're going to be working, why be miserable? Life is too short to hate everyday. Good luck!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

If you assess a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will fail/fall short every time. We often assess people by our own life standards, without taking into account all that they have had to endure and experience up to where they're at now, and it's this lack of detail in our consideration, along with arrogance to believe that our ignorance is correct, that leads us to believe our own delusions about other human beings

by maryamhickle 1 week ago

I wasn't aware that people are forced to work specific jobs. I'd like to hear more on this. A factory worker in the 50-60s would put more effort because they would get a car, a home, etc I wasn't around then but it seems people had a better work ethic then. People today are coddled by technology & society, which makes them expect life to be easier, reducing their expectation of hard work.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I can't tell if you're being serious. There are plenty of people working multiple jobs to afford the bare minimum. Changing job is a risk, if you get let go, your rent won't pay itself. At low paying jobs, you are entirely and immediately replaceable. When you're poor, you just can't take these risks.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah I don't agree with that take at all. I've worked in enough places to know people adapt to whatever circumstances they're in. The people of previous generations working today would be the exact same way

by Superb_Mongoose7218 1 week ago

work ethic is something older generations made up to feel better about never spending any time with their family and to ease their regret of never having enough time to enjoy their youth. why should a basic minimalistic life have to be inherently hard, why should it be hard to be able to afford bread and eggs and a one bedroom apartment in a society where these things are overwhelmingly and abundantly available. It sounds like you worked hard to get those things and want everyone else to suffer the same in retaliation despite that being completely unnecessary in this day and age.

by Quiet-Accountant5596 1 week ago

Oh, thank you for saying exactly what I'm thinking. No work ethic anymore, they don't want to work more than 2 days a week, and they want to work from home (ffs), and they ARE lazy. I worked hard and I'm 55 and retired. If there was a job that required constant complaining and texting instead of working, they'd be successful at that. Whew

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Nah. If possible I believe the majority of folk would happily do very little.

by Wuckertjaida 1 week ago

People are extremely intellectually lazy, but they'll work hard at something if they know how to do it, no problem. Thinking about something hard? Doing a close reading of a passage of a book? People are extremely lazy about that kind of stuff.

by Anonymous 1 week ago