+33 Fidget spinners are still relatively popular among its targeted demographic. amirite?

by Umante 1 week ago

Like yo-yos. They had a big moment when people were paying attention and now they're just... there.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I don't think this is if. I can't remember seeing a single fidget spinner in years. They disappeared as quickly as they came.

by Nicole41 1 week ago

I have mine on my desk and use it during work meetings when I have to have my camera on lol

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Who were those things targeted towards again?

by rshanahan 1 week ago

They're targeted towards neurodivergents who need something the stim with, such as people with Autism or ADHD.

by Umante 1 week ago

Maybe I should get one!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

This!! Not a fidget spinner but a fidget cube! I still use my fidget cube to this day, sometimes i carry in my jacket pocket because it helps focus when talking with people. Also helps when I get called out for my intense pen clicking :)

by Vegetable-Board6987 1 week ago

Lol guess I'm not in it. Saw th being a "thing" like 5+ years ago and this is my first time hearing about them since. All I c I uld think about was the "pet rock" guy.

by Overall_Butterfly 1 week ago

Well, they were made for certain neurodivergents to help with stimming. For example, some people with Autism need stimming in order to help tune out certain senses, and some people with ADHD need stimming to focus better.

by Umante 1 week ago

Well then thank you for educating. I didn't know there could be any legitimate reason for them.

by Overall_Butterfly 1 week ago

Yeah. They're made to be a less less obtrusive outlet for stims than, say, clicking a pen or tapping a foot. Some have louder bearings for audio feedback, which some ND people find helpful (I don't get much from it, but I'm more a texture person anyway)

by GradeHonest 1 week ago

You know the guy made a million dollars!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Toy fads of every sort have been a thing for a long time, every generation had it's own ones.

by Inevitable_Jelly_607 1 week ago

Fidget spinners aren't toys though. They serve a useful purpose for people who need to stim in order to focus or self-calm.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Ah yes, my prescription fidget spinner, can't go anywhere without it.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

It's a toy no matter what marketing idea pushed it to popularity.

by Inevitable_Jelly_607 1 week ago

I have my rainbow dragon one on my coffee table. Lost some of my other ones

by Elenorpredovic 1 week ago

They were pretty popular at an engineering lab I worked at but it never really clicked with me. I have stress and ADD of a sort. Like as Im typing this Im also listening a book and watching a movie and contemplating a field report I need to write. I can't do one thing for more than a few minutes before I need to do something else or I gotta be doing multiple things at once. Im usually debugging while on calls. But I look at those and they do nothing for me, they serve no purpose so they don't "distract" me. Im not criticizing them I have lots of coworkers that love them I just could never make the connection.

by Anonymous 1 week ago